Take a demo test and download Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

To be able to take a written school exam, you must install Safe Exam Browser (SEB) on your laptop. SEB blocks you from accessing the internet and the content on your laptop during the exam.

How to download safe exam browser from the demo test:

  1. Log into Inspera Assessment using your FEIDE username and password
  2. Select DEMO for exams with SEB
  3. Download Safe Exam Browser
  4. Open the test in Safe Exam Browser
  5. Enter the password 1234ab and complete the test
  6. Submit the assignment and close Safe Exam Browser
  7. Check that the start-up menu on your laptop works as intended by turning off the laptop or restarting it.

Please note: We recommend that you take the DEMO test in good time before the day of the exam. You can take it as many times as you want. Your DEMO test answer will not be saved or assessed.

Published Nov. 1, 2018 1:36 PM - Last modified Aug. 4, 2022 9:58 AM