AMSC42421 Master's thesis (Spring 2024)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Norwegian Theatre Academy
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Master's Programme in Scenography.

Absolute requirements

Passed all exams in the 3rd semester

Lecture Semester

4th semester.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The student

  • can develop and execute his or her own artistic idea to produce a finished scenographic product in complex work structures at a professional theatre, museum or public space, in continuous dialogue with collaborating artists, technical personnel, consultants and workshops.

  • can function as supervisor for a large team of employees in cooperation with a director, choreographer or curator.

  • can develop a lighting design in dialogue and cooperation with a lighting designer.

  • can conceive, develop, and precisely and consistently communicate a scenographic concept in an artistic collective and communicate how scenographic elements are in dialogue with other parts of an overall production.

  • can learn and further develop work structures in a process with different deadlines, and the sub-structures such processes require.

  • can reflect on ethical issues relating to the collaboration that forms the basis for a scenographer's professional practice and career.

  • can, both orally and in writing, reflect on, assess and analyse his or her own artistic production as a whole, and justify artistic choices made during the process and after the conclusion of the production and the viewing period.


The Master's Thesis consists of two components: The Master's Production and pertaining Master's Critical Reflection

The course Master's Thesis comprises the student's final execution of his or her artistic project, the Master's Production, and the pertaining critical reflection on the artistic result and work processes (the Master's Critical Reflection). The students will cooperate with their artistic partners on the development, planning and execution / production of a performative work of a high international standard. Throughout the process, the student shall cooperate closely and engage in dialogue with one or several other artists, curators, clients or producers, who, together with the student, will constitute the key creative team.

The Master's Production will be executed on a scale that requires technical expertise. Precise communication with involved parties, particularly technical personnel and workshops, will therefore be a key element in this component.

If possible, the Master's Production will take place off the academy's premises, at a theatre, gallery, museum, public space etc.

A Master's Critical Reflection is also a component of the Master's Thesis.

The Master's Critical Reflection consists of a text that must meet the following requirements:
- the student's artistic position / work must be placed in the context of the chosen field
- critical reflection on the process (artistic choices and turning points, application of theory)
- critical reflection on the result (self-assessment in relation to the revised project description) 

All the components will have particular focus on ethical issues relating to large-scale collective work processes.

Forms of teaching and learning

As part of the Master's Production, the student shall execute a scenographic concept on a stage, at a museum, a gallery or in a public space.
It must be an independent artistic work that gives the student an opportunity to work on a large scale using a wide spectrum of scenic devices.
Supervision will be provided during the work, but the emphasis will be on independence throughout the process.
The Master's Critical Reflection consists of documentation in the form of images, drawings, models and a textual reflection on the Master's Production.


Approx. 900 hours

Practical training/internship

See the content description above.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Completion of an artistic production (Master's production), and submission of a critical reflection(Master's Critical Reflection) consisting of a text and documentation

The required submitted coursework must be approved by the subject teacher before the student can put him or herself forward for final assessment.


The student can put him or herself forward for final assessment once the required coursework has been approved and all the courses in the first three semesters have been passed.

Oral exam
The final assessment takes place during the fourth semester in the form of a structured discussion between the student and a committee of examiners.
The committee of examiners consists of the student's supervisor and one external examiner with relevant expertise appointed by the Norwegian Theatre Academy 

The required coursework submitted by the student will form the basis for the discussion: The Master's Production and Master's Critical Reflection

The final assessment is an overall assessment of the completed Master's Production and the Master's Critical Reflection, and the student's participation / role in the discussion, and it assesses the student's attainment of the learning outcomes for the Master's Thesis and the programme as a whole. In advance of the final assessment, the committee of examiners observes the student's Master's Production in the setting for which it was intended and considers the submitted Master's Critical Reflection.

Permitted aids: the submitted written reflection.

One overall grade is awarded: Pass / Fail.

The student will not be permitted to re-sit the exam or be given a new assessment if he or she is awarded the grade Fail.


One external and one internal examiner.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

To be announced spring 2024

Course evaluation

In order to assure and develop the quality of the programme and the individual courses, anonymous surveys are carried out every semester. The academy's management evaluates the programme of study and the individual courses every semester on the basis of the anonymous student evaluations and an open dialogue with students and teachers during the semester.


References to relevant literature, video material, websites, theatrical productions and exhibitions, art catalogues, films, music, art and theatre criticism in the media and other relevant references are provided by the Programme Coordinator and the subject teachers.

An individual syllabus is drawn up in the first semester that is relevant to the work on the student's master's project and critical reflection. It is based on the general literature list for the programme. The individual syllabus is developed further during the course of the programme until submission of the Master's Critical Reflection in the fourth semester.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:57 PM