AMP41118 Performativity 1: Context (Autumn 2024)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Norwegian Theatre Academy
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in Master in Performance (120 ECTS)

Lecture Semester

1st semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The student:

  • will understand what is meant by the term artistic research, its according debates, and the importance of articulating methodology in a cross disciplinary environment.

  • will have acquired access to the 20th century history and theory of performativity and performance within the context of their own research and can research further independently in order to apply it to their own writing and artistic process.

  • will be able to analyze and understand how artistic research reflects its given conditions, and how performative practices can create impact in a specific context.

  • will know basic principles for content, structure and formulation of text that describes and contextualizes their own practice and artistic research within the art field, to be received and understood by specialized collaborators across disciplines and also to general public.


Independent work, tutor lead teaching, tutored written assignments, together with lecture /discussion. This course will also include viewing and discussion of live performances, theater works, installations and other relevant events.

Forms of teaching and learning

Performativity 1: Context consists of 1) A course with lectures, reading, short writing assignments, and critical group discussions in relevant theory and history 2) Analysis and discussion of individual syllabus.

Performativity 1: Context consists primarily of starting the process of articulating methodology, acquiring skills of analysis and reflection on relevant sources of textual and visual material, and increasing writing skills. This will give the student an opportunity to approach the assignment of starting their Scrapbook archive and reflections.

Performativity 1: Context aims to develop the student's ability to perceive contemporary performative practices and their contexts by studying theories of performativity, debates within performative practices and according artistic movements in the 20th century as a way of placing their own work within the history of an international field. Students will explore and analyze various concepts relevant to performative practices within the artistic research paradigm such as embodiment, liveness, and relational aesthetics. There is an emphasis on giving time to processing and reflecting deeper on questions of methodology, in an attempt to bridge theory and practice and to foster healthy cross-disciplinary collaborations.


Approx. 300 hours

Practical training/internship

See the programme description.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Students hand in a compilation of reflections, which include: a contextualization of their research area, a first formulation of research questions and an outline of historical trajectories influencing their approach. The folder could contain a range of source materials, including archival materials, written texts, images, bibliographic references, and other collections. This folder contextualizes the questions and areas of interest that will later place the master project in context.
An attendance of minimum 80 % is required.


Verbal examination
Duration: 20-30 minutes individual examination plus plenum discussion.

Assessment of student achievement of course's learning outcomes is accomplished by conclusion of the semester by structured discussion between the student, the student's advisor and one employee lecturer, based on the material in the student's submitted documentation folder Performativity 1: Context.

Uses verbal feedback. Uses the grade pass / fail.


Student's supervisor and one lecturer who is a member of staff.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

Failure to pass the exam in one or more courses will only be given one new attempt. New examination paper is formulated by programme coordinator in collaboration with the student's supervisor during the course of the semester's 3rd last week.

In continuation assessment, the programme coordinator must in addition to supervisor and staff teacher, who normally assess the student, appoint one additional employee teacher to this sensor array.
The programme coordinator, head of study and student must sign that new exam paper is announced and received.

A new course evaluation (continuation assessment) takes place during the last week of the semester.

Course evaluation

See the programme description.


References to current literature, video material, websites, theatre productions and exhibitions, art catalogues, film, music, art and theatre criticism in the media and other relevant references are supplied by the Programme Coordinator and are partly the responsibility of the student to research independently under tutoring. During the 1st semester student develops an individual curriculum relevant to the work of their master project on the basis of the programme's general bibliography. The individual bibliography is further developed during their studies and towards submission of the written reflection at the end of the 2nd semester.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:54 PM