AMSC41614 Productions 2 (Spring 2019)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Norwegian Theatre Academy
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Master's Programme in Scenography .

Absolute requirements

Passed all exams in the 1st semester

Lecture Semester

2nd semester.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The student

  • can independently conceive, develop, plan, implement, test and execute scenographic work in all phases of its realisation.
  • can work independently while at the same time involving others with the necessary professional expertise in the work.
  • can take independent responsibility for all aspects and elements of a scenographic project.
  • is knowledgeable about materials and simple structures.
  • can communicate an idea to technical personnel.
  • can understand and analyse prevailing trends and developments in art, technology and science, and can at the same time reflect on the them in the form of a scenographic statement.


The course is experimental in nature, but with the focus on producing a finished product for an audience or users. The development of a scenography or a spatial concept in which the scenographer has the leading role and which reflects on a topic, text, piece of music etc.

The student will explore scenographic problems that can lead to and increase the possibility of interdisciplinary understanding and knowledge. The students are encouraged to relate their work to other artistically, technically and scientifically relevant areas and people. The main focus will be on an overall design in which the student has independent chief responsibility for the individual components of the work, such as space, light, sound, smells etc.

The results of Productions 2 will be shown in public, as a final finished product, where the meeting with the public or users will be an important element of the production. The student will have an opportunity to produce scenographic elements, and to investigate, choose and use relevant materials and necessary structures during execution of the production. Knowledge about materials and their characteristics, and their semantic, artistic and physical properties will be studied in depth.

Students submit a portfolio containing documentation of their work and reflections on their attainment of the learning outcomes, and a revision of their Master's Production seen in relation to the course.

Forms of teaching and learning

The course will be organised as independent work under supervision.

The student is responsible for the production of all the scenographic elements and for lighting this production.


Approx. 300 hours

Practical training/internship


Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Submission of portfolio documentation no later than three weeks prior to the course assessment. The portfolio must contain a reflective text with references, images, models etc. The development and progress of the student's  Master's Production must be documented and reflected on in the context of the topics taught in the course. The student shall also reflect on his or her own attainment of the defined learning outcome for the course.

The required submitted coursework must be approved by the subject teacher before the student can put him or herself forward for course assessment.


Oral exam
The assessment of the student's attainment of the learning outcome for the course is carried out at the end of the semester, following a structured discussion between the student, the student's supervisor and one subject teacher who is a member of staff, based on the material in the portfolio documentation submitted by the student for Productions 2.

Permitted aids: Portfolio documentation 

Oral feedback is given.

The grades Pass / Fail are used.


To be annonunced spring 2018

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

To be annonunced spring 2018

Course evaluation

In order to assure and develop the quality of the programme and the individual courses, anonymous surveys are carried out every semester. The academy's management evaluates the programme of study and the individual courses every semester on the basis of the anonymous student evaluations and an open dialogue with students and teachers during the semester.


References to relevant literature, video material, websites, theatrical productions and exhibitions, art catalogues, films, music, art and theatre criticism in the media and other relevant references are provided by the Programme Coordinator and the subject teachers.

An individual syllabus is drawn up in the first semester that is relevant to the work on the student's master's project and critical reflection. It is based on the general literature list for the programme. The individual syllabus is developed further during the course of the programme until submission of the Master's Critical Reflection in the fourth semester.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:34:35 AM