SSP11619 Spanish grammar 2 (Spring 2025)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Course Leaders:
  • Roxana Sobrino Triana
  • Kristin Hagemann
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Mandatory course in the One-year Spanish Programme (full-time and part-time).
  • Mandatory course in the 60 ECTS part of the Bachelor's Programme in Languages for students with Spanish as one of their chosen languages.

Recommended requirements

The course Spanish Grammar I or equivalent is recommended.

Lecture Semester

  • One-year Spanish Programme, full-time: 2. semester (spring).

  • One-year Spanish Programme, part-time: 4. semester (spring).

  • Bachelor's Programme in Languages with Spanish as one of the chosen languages: 2. or 4. semester (spring).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student has:

  • In-depth knowledge of the syntactic structure of simple and complex sentences in Spanish.

  • Overview of the Spanish language's tense and mood system and understanding of its usage.

  • Understanding of key aspects of Spanish word order.

  • Knowledge of contrastive aspects between Spanish and Norwegian.



The student can:

  • Conduct a thorough syntactic analysis of simple and complex sentences in Spanish.

  • Explain the usage of the Spanish language's tense and mood system and provide relevant examples.

  • Explain differences and similarities between Spanish and Norwegian grammatical structures and provide relevant examples.

  • Identify and explain key features of Spanish word order.

  • Produce coherent oral and written texts in Spanish on central topics within Spanish grammar.


General Competence

The student can:

  • Acquire, convey, and reflect on relevant course material independently or in collaboration with others.

  • Utilize relevant terminology regarding grammatical topics.

  • Explain how languages are structured and function.

  • Maintain and further develop their own language proficiency in Spanish.


Students are expected to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the grammatical system in Spanish. They should be familiar with both normative and descriptive grammar and master sentence analysis of simple and complex sentences. They develop their ability to use the language grammatically correctly and to critically evaluate Spanish texts from a grammatical perspective.

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is designed with lectures where students are expected to actively engage in reviewing and discussing course materials, as well as in developing their own and others' linguistic and grammatical understanding. Throughout the course, students will be given various tasks to solve, including different grammar exercises, sentence analysis, and conveying how grammatical structures are used in texts. Additionally, students will be trained to comment on language in practical use.

The content of the course will be available on a digital learning platform and through online teaching and guidance.

Self-study is an important part of students' work, and it is therefore expected that students independently acquire a significant portion of the course material. This includes forming study groups, working on grammar topics independently outside of class, and following oral and written texts in various Spanish-language media.

The primary language of instruction is Spanish.


Approximately. 280 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

A group oral presentation by 2-4 students on a grammatical topic chosen by the instructor. The presentation is delivered to the other students during the final class hours of the semester.

Required coursework must be approved before the student can present themselves for examination.


Individual digital written examination at campus in Halden, 4 hours.

Permitted aid: Spanish-Spanish dictionary.

Grading scale: A-F.

The written exam is conducted as a digital exam.

As a general rule, the written exam is held on campus. It is possible to apply through a specific form to take the written exam at another approved location, provided that factors such as time difference and the ability for necessary communication with an external examination site allow for it.


External and internal examiner or two internal examiners.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is crucial for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programs. This course is evaluated in the following way:

  • Mid-semester evaluation and ongoing evaluation/final evaluation

The results are processed by/in:

  • Teaching group
  • Head of Studies
  • Programme committee


The reading list will be published in Leganto.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:15:57 AM