SFF42315 Master's Thesis (Spring 2025–Spring 2026)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Course Leader:
Franck Orban
Teaching language:
1½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Master's programme in Foreign Languages in School - French.

Absolute requirements

Passed the course Method and Project (20 credits).

Recommended requirements

The course is based on knowledge from courses taken prior in the programme, according to the study plan. 

Lecture Semester

6. - 8. semester (spring - autumn - spring).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The candidate

  • has specialized knowledge in a self-selected topic within one or more of the subject areas of French language, literature, culture, and didactics
  • can convey their knowledge in the target language, both in writing and orally, expressing themselves clearly and concisely within the self-selected thematic framework
  • can search for information sources in various databases and evaluate and quality assure information.



The candidate

  • can use the target language at an advanced level
  • can adhere to genre conventions for master's theses
  • can conduct advanced systematic searches for academic and relevant information, applying various criteria for quality assurance of information
  • can reference sources and create a bibliography clearly, consistently, and in a way that allows the reader to trace back to the source
  • can handle information and sources ethically
  • can plan and conduct a research project and present it in clear and precise language


General Competence

The candidate

  • can communicate the importance of foreign language proficiency in a modern, globalized society, considering aspects of culture, democracy, and mobility
  • can disseminate overviews of various information resources within their field of study and can critically assess information and information sources
  • can apply guidelines for referencing techniques
  • can carry out independent research and development projects.


The master's thesis consists of a larger individual written work that is completed under guidance.

Forms of teaching and learning

The students are encouraged to choose a topic and formulate the research question for their assignment early in their course of study. This will allow them to leverage previous project work, thematic lectures, portfolio entries, and similar activities as groundwork for the assignment. Each student is assigned a supervisor associated with the area they have chosen for their assignment. Guidance is provided through online meetings and in writing on the university's learning platform. During a digital gathering, students present their work and receive feedback from both peers, supervisors, and other instructors.


Approximately. 840 hours.


Individual written master's thesis with oral examination.

Extent approximately 50 pages excluding the reference list and appendices. Line spacing 1.5.

The thesis will be evaluated by an examination committee consisting of supervisor(s) and an external examiner. The master's thesis must be assessed as passed before the candidate can proceed to the oral examination.

An oral examination (approximately 45 minutes) will be conducted, during which the student is required to present and reflect on their work.

The oral examination may adjust the written grade up or down by one level on the grading scale A-F.

Plagiarism check

Master's theses are checked for plagiarism. Plagiarism and copying from academic literature and other written works, whether one's own or others', without correct use of references/sources, will be considered an attempt as examination offence.


External and internal examiner.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

Re-examination/deferred examination is regulated by the regulations on exams, study rights, and degrees at Østfold University College. In case of a non-passing result, the candidate may submit a revised thesis once. If the candidate desires an improvement in the grade, they must submit a new thesis with a new research question. When submitting a new thesis, the candidate is not entitled to new guidance.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is essential for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programmes. This course is evaluated every semester through ongoing and final evaluations.

The results are processed by the Head of studies in dialog with student representatives and subject teachers. The programme committee follows up on student evaluations at the department.


Self-selected curriculum approved by the academic supervisor.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:49 PM