SFE35021 Bachelor’s Thesis in English (Spring 2025)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Course Leaders:
  • Altijana Brkan
  • Annika Mörte Alling
Teaching language:
English and Scandinavian.
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Bachelor's Programme in Languages, English specialization.

Absolute requirements

The student must have passed at least 80 credits in English to start the course Bachelor's thesis in English.

Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the program director upon application.

Recommended requirements


Lecture Semester

Bachelor's degree in languages, 6th semester, language choice English specialization.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The candidate

  • has solid academic insight into either linguistic or literary/cultural subjects that enable him/her to select and justify a relevant topic for a bachelor's thesis
  • has knowledge of how to find, evaluate, process, and apply relevant texts and academic literature, as well as correct usage of citations and footnotes.



The candidate

  • is capable of writing a comprehensive exposition in English, using the most accurate language, with a clear and appropriate structure in relation to the chosen topic.
  • can provide feedback on others' work in English.
  • has strengthened their language skills.


General Competence

The candidate

  • has achieved proficiency in information gathering, evaluation, and structuring of material.
  • is able to formulate a topic and a research question and use sources critically.
  • has developed critical thinking and independence through the course.
  • is familiar with academic writing.


The student writes a bachelor's thesis under the guidance of a subject teacher. The topic is chosen in connection with one of the courses the student has taken in English specialization. Upon agreement with the subject teacher, the student may also delve into other topics covered in English course in the Bachelor's program in language. Students wishing to delve into an interdisciplinary theme that includes a linguistic, cultural, and/or literary approach are allowed to do so after closer agreement with the subject teacher. The thesis may also address the influence of digital development on textual expression and/or focus on issues related to the workplace and practical applications.

Through teaching and guidance, the student further develops their knowledge in the chosen theme and their skills in presenting, analyzing, and arguing. The student is also expected to enhance their critical source evaluation skills and practical language skills.

Forms of teaching and learning

In the bachelor's thesis (10 credits), the student must choose a topic and specialize within it.

Two mandatory supervision hours are provided per assignment. Supervision hours are preferably conducted through digital collaboration tools. Additionally, supervision and feedback are provided in connection with course requirements.

The teaching, which takes the form of seminars, and the supervision, are conducted online, in English and Scandinavian languages. Instruction and supervision occur both in real-time and asynchronously through digital tools. 

The course consists of independent work under guidance and in discussion with both fellow students and the course instructor. It is expected that students use digital tools to discuss academic questions, which can occur both synchronously and asynchronously. Students are expected to be respondents for each other during the course of their work. Library resources and other materials should be actively utilized and accounted for.


280 hours

Practical training/internship

No supervised practice in the course.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Mandatory attendance and active participation in at least 1 of the seminars.
  • The topic and research question for the bachelor's thesis must be approved by the supervisor.
  • Required coursework must be approved before the bachelor's thesis is evaluated.


Individual written bachelor's thesis

Assessment is based on an individual bachelor's thesis. The thesis should be approximately 5000 words (+/- 10%) and include footnotes and a bibliography. Any illustrations and appendices are additional.

The evaluation takes into account the level of knowledge, ability to articulate, information retrieval, and independence. The thesis must be submitted by the specified deadline. Individual guidance is provided during the process.

The bachelor's thesis should be written in English.

Grading scale A-F.


External and internal sensor or two internal sensors.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

Appeal procedure: In the event of a complaint about the grading, the bachelor's thesis shall be reassessed.

If the bachelor's thesis is not passed, the candidate has the opportunity to submit a revised version of the thesis for grading once.

If there is a desire to improve the grade, the bachelor's thesis cannot be revised; however, a new assignment with a new research question must be submitted. In this case, the candidate is not entitled to academic guidance.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is essential for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programs. This course is evaluated in the following way:

  • Mid-semester evaluation and ongoing evaluation/final evaluation

The results are processed by/in:

  • Teaching team
  • Head of teaching
  • Programme committee


The bachelor’s thesis is an individual work. The literature list for the thesis will therefore be compiled by the individual candidate, based on his or hers use of literature and other resources.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:48 PM