SFBS30221 Linguistic and literary research methods (Spring 2025)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Course Leaders:
  • Cecilia Alvstad
  • Annika Mörte Alling
Teaching language:
Scandinavian and English
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Bachelor's Programme in Languages.

Absolute requirements

A student must have passed at least 60 credits in either English, French, Spanish, or German.

Recommended requirements


Lecture Semester

Bachelor's degree in language, 6th semester (spring)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student

  • has knowledge of modern approaches to language and literature studies, and familiarity with the main lines of various methods.
  • has knowledge of methods and techniques used by language and literature researchers in the analysis of language and literature.
  • has insight into the main issues in theoretical and methodological aspects of language and literature studies.



The student

  • can outline the main approaches to working with language and literature.
  • can apply relevant concepts, language, and literary theory to various types of texts.


General Competence

The student

  • has established a foundation and conceptual framework to understand research in language and literature.
  • can differentiate between various methods and approaches to language and literature.
  • has developed the ability for critical reflection.


The course provides an overview and a comprehensive understanding of the methods and theoretical foundations used in linguistic and literary research. It thus lays the foundation for the work on the bachelor's thesis, to which it is directly related.

The linguistic part consists of the following components:

  • Language as an object of study (introduction) and various methods in linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Corpus linguistics: oral language, texts, etc.

The literary part consists of the following components:

  • Literature as an object of study (introduction) and various methodological approaches to literature
  • Analysis of literature and other types of fiction texts
  • Central areas within modern literary theory, the evolution from biographical approaches through text- and reader-oriented theories to today's diversity and interest in the power and emotional impact of literature.

In the teaching, the various methods in the subject are illuminated from different perspectives and elaborated in explanations with discussions around relevant texts. Students are trained in applying the methods and analyzing current texts, explaining the most important and frequently used methods, and the various results that research can contribute to.

Forms of teaching and learning

The students participate in online instruction (in real-time) both in large groups and in smaller groups, engaging in discussions and collaborative problem-solving using digital tools. It is assumed that students work independently and familiarize themselves with the course material posted on the learning platform.


Approx. 280 hours

Practical training/internship

No supervised practice in the subject.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

It is required at least 75% attendance in the classes. 2-4 smaller written assignments, submitted through Canvas, related to the coursework, with references to relevant course literature. In addition, commenting on the assignments of other students is required.

Course requirements must be approved before the student can proceed to the exam.


Individual, written essay (minimum 1000, maximum 2000 words, 1 ½ line spacing excluding footnotes, bibliography, and any illustrations).

Essay topic and detailed guidelines are provided in the course room on the university college's digital learning platform.

The work should include concrete examples and be linked to the academic literature. The submission deadline is provided at the beginning of the semester.

Grading scale A-F.


Two internal sensors or external and internal sensor.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is essential for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programs. The course is evaluated every semester.

Results are processed by/in:

  • Teaching team
  • Head of studies
  • Programme committee


The reading list will be published in Leganto.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:47 PM