SSP10819 Spanish and Latin American literature 1 (Autumn 2024)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Course Leaders:
  • Monica Poza Dieguez
  • Berit Grønn
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Mandatory course in the One-year Spanish Programme (full-time and part-time).
  • Mandatory course in the 60 ECTS part of the Bachelor's Programme in Languages for students with Spanish as one of their chosen languages.

Recommended requirements

Prerequisite knowledge equivalent to Spanish level II from high school is recommended.

Lecture Semester

  • One-year Spanish Programme, full-time: 1 semester (autumn).
  • One-year Spanish Programme, part-time: 1. semester (autumn).
  • Bachelor's Programme in Languages with Spanish as one of the chosen languages: 1. or 3. semester (autumn).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student has:

  • Knowledge of selected text traditions and various forms of expression, such as narrative texts, poetry, music, and art in Spanish-speaking areas.
  • Good familiarity with themes and techniques in a selection of Spanish-language texts across different genres and media.



The student:

  • Can understand, account for, and reflect on the content and techniques in literary, composite, and audiovisual texts.
  • Can place Spanish-language texts in various genres and media into a social, historical, and literary context.
  • Can recognize and account for distinctive features in selected written, composite, and audiovisual texts in a clear and structured manner.
  • Have insight into various strategies for understanding oral and written texts in Spanish.
  • Have insight into various strategies for orally and in writing explaining content and techniques in Spanish.


General Competence

The student can:

  • Understand, convey, and reflect on the form and content of Spanish-language texts and cultural expressions in various genres and media.
  • Further develop their own knowledge of Spanish-language literature and the social, historical, and literary context.
  • Maintain and develop reading, writing, and oral skills in Spanish.


In the teaching, efforts are made to enable students to understand and account for the content and techniques in selected Spanish-language texts from various epochs, both in fiction and non-fiction. Work with complex and audiovisual texts will also be emphasized. In this way, students will gain insight into various forms of text expression and traditions in the target language area. Active participation in the teaching is assumed from the students.

Forms of teaching and learning

Teaching and guidance take place online via digital collaboration tools and learning platforms. It is expected that students actively participate in reviewing and discussing course materials and allocate time for pre- and post-class work. Students will be trained to present, discuss, and reflect on the content and form of selected texts and place them within a socio-historical and literary context. They will also be trained to account for the content and viewpoints in Spanish-language texts across various genres and media.

Students are expected to be active in reviewing course materials, participating in discussions, providing feedback to each other, thereby contributing to the development of their own and others' language skills and insights.

Active student participation is encouraged in the teaching. Students should anticipate working on understanding and conveying texts independently and/or with fellow students before and after class.


Approximately. 280 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



Individual portfolio assessment and oral examination.

Assessment is based on a portfolio of texts that students write during the semester. The portfolio consists of one small assignement (approximately 500-800 words) and one larger assignement (approximately 800-1100 words).

The assignments should be in text documents (1 1/2 line spacing), include source references, and have a correct notation system. The assignments must be submitted by the agreed-upon deadline. Students receive individual guidance throughout the process. Further information about the assignments is provided in the course instructions. Assessment takes into account text comprehension, independence, level of knowledge, and ability to formulate ideas.

Individual oral examination, approximately 20-25 minutes. The oral examination is a conversation about the portfolio examination, focusing on the student's understanding of literature, independence, and oral communication skills.

The oral examination adjusts the grade for the portfolio, maximum one grade up or down on the A-F grading scale.

A single grade is given for the course.

Grading rule: A-F.


External and internal examiner or two internal examiners.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

In case of a not passed grade on the portfolio, the content of the portfolio can be revised once for re-evaluation.

For improvement of a passing grade, all portfolio contributions must be resubmitted.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is crucial for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programs. This course is evaluated in the following way:

Mid-semester evaluation and ongoing evaluation/final evaluation

The results are processed by:

  • Teaching group
  • Head of Studies
  • Programme committee


The current reading list for 2024 Autumn can be found in Leganto
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 1:15:50 AM