SFT22118 German: Berlin after 1945: Urban History, Literature and Film (Autumn 2021)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Webbased course with optional seminar and tuition on campus Halden.
Course Leaders:
  • Henrik Keyser Pedersen
  • Elin Nesje Vestli
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Elective course in the extension course in German.

One out of two obligatory subjects for students in the Bachelor's Programme in Languages, German extension course

Lecture Semester

Extension Course in German: 1st semester (fall).

Bachelor's Programme in Languages, German extension course: 5th semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student has

  • knowledge about the main features of Berlin's post-war history and about literary texts and films about Berlin

  • insight into the interplay between society, culture and literature

  • particular insight into how big cities are portrayed in contemporary literature and film


The student has 

  • improved his/her analytical skills

  • increased his/her skill in applying literary science methods and specialist terminology from the literary science field

  • sound skills in oral and written German

General competence

The student

  • has a greater understanding of German culture and literature and of literary science work methods

  • is capable of giving oral and written presentations at a relatively high level


The course covers literature and cultural knowledge. It deals with German literature and German history starting in Berlin in 1945 and up to the present. The interplay between literature and culture/society therefore plays a central role. Problematising and reflecting on both the unique qualities of individual works and comparable aspects are a key part of the course. In addition to background material and literary texts, the course will also address other forms of artistic expression

Forms of teaching and learning

All teaching will be in German. The course is web-based. The teaching is organised as online seminars, with seminars and supervision provided on campus. The teaching activities are not compulsory, but regularly logging in and participating actively online will be a great advantage. Student-active learning is expected. Each student is required to keep their webcamera and microphone turned on when participating in online classes.


Approx. 280 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The students submit a written assignment during the semester. Its length shall be 8,000-8,500 characters including spaces, footnotes and the reference list. Any illustrations come in addition to this. The students shall give an oral presentation of the assignment in class. This coursework must be approved before the student can sit the exam.


Individual oral exam and presentation, approx. 30 minutes in total.


The candidate first gives a presentation (approx. 10 minutes). The topic must be clearly within the scope of the course. The candidate chooses the topic in consultation with the lecturer. The candidate's ability to present a topic in an independent and free manner is tested through the presentation.

Oral exam:

The candidate is asked questions from the reading list at the oral exam (approx. 20 minutes).

In the assessment, emphasis is placed on content, the ability to reflect and problematise, communication skills, presentation technique and language.

As a rule, the oral exam takes place online via the Østfold University College learning platform. It is also possible to take the oral exam on campus.

No aids are permitted.

One overall grade is awarded. Grade scale A- F.


One external and one internal examiner or two internal examiners.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

In the event of a resit/rescheduled exam, the candidate has to retake the presentation and oral exam.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is vital in order for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programmes. The following forms of evaluation are used for this course:

  • mid-semester evaluation and continuous/final evaluation

The results are considered by:

  • lecturer groups
  • the programme coordinator
  • the local programme committee


The reading list was updated 15.06.2020.

If changes to the reading list are made, the course description will be updated before the beginning of the semester.

BENN, Gottfried: Berlin (dikt, tilgjengelig i Canvas)

BIERMANN, Wolf: Berlin (dikt, tilgjengelig i Canvas)

HEISSENBÜTTEL, Helmut: Westberlinstadtlandschaftsgelegenheitsgedicht (dikt, tilgjengelig i Canvas)

KORDON, Klaus/SCHIMMEL, Peter: Die Lisa. Eine deutsche Geschichte (Beltz).

KARA, Yadé: Selam Berlin (Diogenes)

KORDON, Klaus: Die Flaschenpost (Beltz).

NOLTE, Mathias: Louise im blauweiß gestreiften Leibchen (Deuticke)

ORTHEIL, Hans-Josef: Die Berlinreise. Roman eines Nachgeborenen (Luchterhand) REGENER, Sven: Herr Lehmann. Gezeichnet von Tim Dinter (Eichborn Verlag 2014 or later.  This is agraphic novel based on Sven Regeners novel)

WAGNER, David: Mauerpark (kort prosatekst, tilgjengelig i Canvas

WOLF, Christa: Was bleibt (Suhrkamp)

GEIBEL, Wieland: Berlin. Geschichte (Berlin Story Verlag).

The students choose three of the following films (students who wish to choose Berlin films not on this list may do so with consent of the course lecturer); if a TV series is chosen, two films are sufficient:

  • Anonyma - eine Frau in Berlin (Max Färberböck),

  • Babylon Berlin (Tom Tykwer, Achim von Borries, Henk Handloegten),

  • Berlin Alexanderplatz (Rainer Werner Fassbinder),

  • Anonyma - eine Frau in Berlin (Max Färberböck),

  • Berlin Alexanderplatz (Rainer Werner Fassbinder),

  • Bornholmer Straße (Christian Schwochow),

  • Das Leben der Anderen (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck),

  • Das Leben eine Baustelle (Wolfgang Becker),

  • Der Himmel über Berlin (Wim Wenders),

  • Der Zimmerspringbrunnen (Peter Timm),

  • Emil und die Detektive (Franziska Buch eller tidligere filmatiseringer),

  • Helden wie wir (Sebastian Peterson),

  • Herr Lehmann (Leander Haußmann),

  • Good bye Lenin! (Wolfgang Becker),

  • Lola rennt (Tom Tykwer),

  • Sonnenallee (Leander Haußmann),

  • Ku'damm 56, Ku'damm 59 (Fernsehserie, Sven Bohse),

  • Weissensee. Eine Berliner Liebesgeschichte (Fernsehserie, Friedemann Fromm),

  • Wie Feuer und Flamme (Connie Walter)

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:33:31 AM