SFT11608 German Literature and Culture (Autumn 2021)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Webbased course with optional seminars and tuition on campus Halden.
Course Leader:
Anna-Lena Eick
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the one-year German programme (full time and part time). Obligatory course in the 60 ECTS part of the Bachelor's Programme in Languages for students with German as one of their chosen languages.

Lecture Semester

German One-Year Programme - Full time: 1st semester (fall), part time: 3rd semester (fall). Bachelor's Programme in Languages: 1st or 3rd semester (fall).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course



The student

  • is acquainted with central literary tendencies, genres and authors from the German area in the period from 1945 until today.


The student

  • is acquainted with main features of the political and cultural history of the German area from 1945 until today.
  • is aquainted with politics, economic and social structures and conditions, and geography.



The student

  • is able to read, discuss and analyse literary texts using the terminology of literary science.


The student

  • is able to understand and account for political and social development
  • is able to handle cultural similarities and differences adequately and have sound intercultural communication skills.

General competence

The student

  • has gained further knowledge of literature, culture and political development from 1945 until today.


The course introduces literature from the German-language countries in the period from 1945 until today. The literature is studied in a political and cultural context. An introduction is given to specific literary terminology and approaches. Included in the course is an introduction to using the university college library comprising catalogues, reference works, databases, literature search, and criticism of the sources.  

The literature part concentrates on modern German literature including literature for children and adolescents. The role of literary didactics in foreign language teaching is thematised.

The teaching of literature and culture is coordinated chronologically so that it deals with central events or phenomena in the target countries. It deals with the period from 1945 until today in political, cultural and literary history.

Social science topics are also studied (such as geography, political systems, economic and social structures, education).

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is taught in seminars as well as being webbased. The course material is distributed digitally. Developing reading proficiency and analytical skills is emphasised, as well as sensibilisation to cultural differences and similarities through student-active learning. Library as well as ICT resources are utilised. Each student is required to keep their webcamera and microphone turned on when participating in online classes.


Approx. 280 hours.


Portfolio assessment, individual

Assessment is based on a portfolio with texts written in the course of the semester. The portfolio comprises three texts: two less extensive texts (each text consist of 3500-4000 characters with spaces, footnotes and literature list included. Any illustrations come in addition) and one more extensive assignment (the assignment can consist 8000-8500 characters with spaces, footnotes and literature list included. Any illustrations come in addition).

The portfolio contributions are to be text documents (with 1 ½ line spacing) with correct use of references and notes. They are to be submitted by given deadlines. The student is given individual supervision when writing the assignments. Further information on the assignments is given by the instructor. Assessment of the portfolio takes into account text comprehension, level of independent work, level of knowledge, and ability to formulate.

The A-F grading scale is used.

In the case of a complaint the entire portfolio is subject to new assessment.


One external and one internal examiner or two internal examiners.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

If a student fails, he/she gets a chance to improve the portfolio once.

If a student wishes to improve his/her grade, all elements of the portfolio must be revised and resubmitted.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is vital in order for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programmes. The course is evaluated every semester.

The results are considered by/in teacher groups, the head of studies and the local programme committee.


The reading list was updated by November 18th 2021.

BAZYAR, Shidar: Nachts ist es leise in Teheran (Kiepenheuer & Witsch 2016)

BORCHERT, Wolfgang: Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch (K).

EICH, Günter: Inventur (K).

FRIED, Erich: Gespräch über Bäume (K).

HERMANN, Judith: Sommerhaus, später. Erzählungen (Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag Bd. 14770; følgende fortellinger leses: 'Rote Korallen', 'Sonja' og 'Sommerhaus, später').

HERRNDORF, Wolfgang: Tschick (Rowohlt/rotfuchs).

JANDL, Ernst: ottos mops (K), schtzngrmm (K), falamaleikum (K), auf dem land (K).

KUNERT, Günter: Über einige Davongekommene (K).

VESTLI, Elin Nesje/LANGEMEYER, Peter: Deutschsprachige Nachkriegsliteratur von Wolfgang Borchert bis Judith Hermann (available digitally, can also be purchased on paper on campus).

The shorter texts (K) are available in a seperate booklet together with the compendium.


http://www.zeitklicks.de (a website on German history developed with funding from the German Government)

LeMO: Lebendiges Museum Online (Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn): http://www.dhm.de/lemo/home.html

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:33:31 AM