LNCE10120 Aesthetic learning processes (Autumn 2023)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Course Leader:
Gunhild Brænne Bjørnstad
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Optional course, relevant to school.

Absolute requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualifications.

Applicants with Certificate of Upper Secondary Education from other than the Nordic countries can be granted dispensation from the requirement of proficiency in the Norwegian language on condition of documented proficiency in the English language, cf. Regulations for Admission to Study Programmes at Østfold University College, section 3.

Lecture Semester


The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student

  • understands the outlines of the theoretical and pedagogical development of aesthetic learning in the Nordic context

  • can differentiate between leader roles in aesthetic processes and their effects in the learning process

  • is familiar with a selection of techniques used in aesthetic learning processes, their variations and potential learning outcomes

  • can identify different participant roles in aesthetic processes

  • understands the basics of art history in the Nordic context


The student

  • can lead aesthetic learning processes by choosing appropriate leader roles

  • can give and take guidance in the aesthetic/artistic process

  • can enhance one's own aesthetic/artistic skills and focus

  • can analyze the effects of aesthetic learning processes

General competence

The student

  • is able to apply aesthetic learning processes in their own pedagogical work

  • is critically aware of the potential of aesthetic learning processes


  • Theories on children's dramatic play and expression
  • Theories on aesthetic learning and experience-based learning
  • Theories on creative processes
  • Structuring aesthetic learning processes
  • Improvisation and dramatic play
  • Exploring one's own artistic expressions
  • Analysis of aesthetic learning processes
  • Leadership and management of aesthetic processes in schools and other pedagogical arenas
  • Study trips to performances or aesthetic processes in progress.

Forms of teaching and learning

Topics that will be covered in the course include dramatic play, experience-based learning, aesthetic learning, training of artistic skills, analysis of artistic and aesthetic works, leadership and management of artistic and aesthetic processes.

Through working on these topics, students will gain experience of different work methods that are relevant to work with aesthetic learning processes at any level or field of education. Adapted learning and multicultural perspectives have a central position in the different topics.

The course will practice the values of aesthetic learning processes, alternating between lectures, seminars, workshops, reflections, study trips and projects, in which the students will gain theoretical understanding and practical experiences of the field. The work will be in groups of varying sizes as well as individual work, both in and out of classroom.


Approximately 20 hours pr week. May vary throughout the semester.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The following required coursework must be approved by teacher before the student can take the exam:

  1. Approved attendance (minimum 80% attendance) and study trips. The subject teacher will pass around an attendance list, which the students must sign. If the student is unable to participate in organized study trips, he/she must prepare an alternative arrangement, which must be approved.
  2. Complete project work in groups, using aesthetic learning processes, in a local teaching context. The project work must consist of a written didactic plan and a practical class.


The total assessment of this course consist of two partial exams:

  1. Project report in groups approx. 2500 words (40%) on a chosen topic related to the group project. May be written in any scandinavian language or English. Two internal examiners.    

  2. Individual oral exam of 15 minutes on a chosen topic from the curriculum (60%). One internal and one external examiner. No support materials permitted.

Both parts of the total assessment will be marked with grading scale A-F. The group report will result in a group mark, and the individuel, oral exam will result in an individual mark. The total of these two will be the final mark of the course.

Both parts of the exam must be passed to pass the course.

Course evaluation

The course will be evaluated at the end of the semester.


The current reading list for 2023 Autumn can be found in Leganto
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:34 PM