ITI41120 Interdisciplinary Project (Spring 2024)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Course Leader:
Thi Thuy Nga Dinh
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the master programme in applied computer science for all specialisations, full-time and part-time.

Lecture Semester

Second semester (spring) in the full-time programme.

Fourth semester (spring) in the part-time programme.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student

  • has an in-depth knowledge of the process leading to the completion of an interdisciplinary or industrial project carried out in teams of diverse individuals

  • is familiar with relevant publishing channels


The student is able to

  • contribute to the writing of a scientific paper aimed at publishing

  • critically reflect on the role of diversity and interdisciplinarity, as well as the role of personal experience, professional background, gender, culture, and other social identities when working in interdisciplinary and diverse teams

  • apply their academic expertise in cooperation with people from other subject areas, and jointly define problems and find solutions to them

General competence

The student gains experience with interdisciplinary or industrial project work and the process leading to the completion of the project done by a team of diverse individuals, including planning, carrying out part of the work, reporting, presenting, and reflecting on possible issues.


In this course, the students will complete an interdisciplinary project carried out together with a team composed by students from all the specialisations, or in collaboration with one of our partners in the private or public sector.

The project's topic is chosen in collaboration with a supervisor and shall, as a general rule, tackle a complex real-world problem faced by today’s digital society. Teams will be required to leverage their collective skills and contribute with their specific expertise in their specialisation areas to effectively collaborate and contribute towards the solution to the project challenges.

In case of a project in collaboration with a private or public partner, the student(s) and the company have to prepare a draft project description that must be endorsed by the faculty before the work starts. This is done to ensure necessary volume and depth in the project. In addition, an agreement between the student and the company must be made.

Forms of teaching and learning

Practical project team-work with regular supervision. Students will be working in groups of 4-8 students. In case of industrial projects, the groups can be smaller. In such case, an external mentor from the collaborating partner has to be identified, in addition to the internal supervisor.


Approx. 280 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The student must deliver:

  • a project description within two weeks after starting the project

  • a mid-term report

Coursework requirements must be accepted to qualify for the exam.


Paper and oral presentation in groups

The paper (approx. 10 pages) is graded on the A - F grading scale. It is given a tentative grade of the paper. This grade can be adjusted at the oral presentation. The papers are submitted for the whole group. The students will get an individual grade. The paper must be passed before the oral presentation can be carried out.

The group presentation consists of a presentation and discussion of the paper. Duration approx. 20-30 min with questions from the examiners. Except the presentation, no supporting materials are allowed. The students will get an individual grade.

If the student decides to challenge the assessment, the paper must be re-assessed. If the new assessment affects the tentative grading of the paper, a new oral exam will be arranged.


External and internal examiner, or to internal examiners.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

Upon re-examination, both parts of the examination must be retaken. Upon re-examination, a new project must be carried out.

Course evaluation

This course is evaluated by a

  • Mid-term evaluation (compulsory)

The responsible for the course compiles a report based on the feedback from the students and his/her own experience with the course. The report is discussed by the study quality committee at the Department of Computer Science and Communication.


The current reading list for 2024 Spring can be found in Leganto
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:25 PM