SFB50514 Corporate Communication (Autumn 2023)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Course Leader:
Wayne Kelly
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Compulsory course in Bachelor's Programme in International Communication with a specialisation in professional communication.

Optional course for others.

Lecture Semester

Bachelor's Programme in International Communication, specialisation in professional communication.: 3rd semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The candidate

  • is familiar with the interrelation between organisations and their environments, and the importance of building relations with all stakeholder groups.
  • has become familiar with the importance of planned and coordinated communication for building internal and external reputation, and know that organisational culture, common values and the identity perception of employees are key success factors.
  • has basic knowledge and understanding of communication as a management strategy in private and public organisations.


The candidate

  • can collect empirical data and using theory to write a larger academic assignment (case study).
  • can write in academic manner and know the correct use of sources.

General competence

The candidate

  • understand the importance of strategic communication and can document this in correct academic written form.


  • Organisation identity and corporate identity
  • Corporate branding
  • Image and reputation management
  • Stakeholder relations
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Issues management and crisis communication

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is organised in two parts. The first half of the semester is a taught course with lectures, exercises and discussions.

In the second half of the semester the students carry out a supervised case study. The case study/project is group work with two or three students in each project group.

The language used in the course is English and the required reading is in English. The case study report is written in English.


The course will give the student approximately 280 hours of work.

Practical training/internship


Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The following group assignments must be submitted at given deadlines and approved before signing up for the final exam:

  • Project proposal (approx. 500 words) with a brief summary of the case study

  • Two scheduled tutorials per project group

  • Oral presentation of a paper


Group project

A case study is performed in groups in the second half of the semester being documented in a written final report of 12-15 pages (approx. 5,000 words).The case study takes its starting point in concrete organisations or cases related to one of the issues taught in the course.

The report is assessed on the A-F grading sale. The grade is awarded to the group, not individually.


External and internal examinator or two internal examinators.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

In the case of fail the students may submit an improved report.

If students wish to improve their grade, a new report will have to be submitted at the next regular exam.

Course evaluation

This course is evaluated by a

  • Mid-term evaluation (compulsory)

The responsible for the course compiles a report based on the feedback from the students and his/her own experience with the course. The report is discussed by the study quality committee at the Department of Computer Science and Communication.


The current reading list for 2023 Autumn can be found in Leganto
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 10:15:24 PM