ITD35014 Placement (Autumn 2023)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Course Leader:
Gunnar Misund
Teaching language:
Norwegian or English
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Elective course.

Absolute requirements

Minimum 90 ECTS must be completed before you can be granted admission to this course.

Lecture Semester

Autumn and spring

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student

  • has knowledge of the industry where he/she has worked and of specific topics related to the work.
  • is able to judge the work relevance of their education.


The student

  • has received practical training in analysing issues that are relevant for the business/industry.
  • can prepare a work plan and resolve assigned tasks.
  • can write a final report documenting the project/work assignment and the time used.

General competence

The student

  • has gained work experience and knowledge of the corporate culture in the industry he/she has worked.
  • can reflect on their own knowledge and learning and on their role in cooperating with others.


The students must work on a project/work assignment in a company. The student is responsible for finding a suitable company who offers internship. The content is defined by each company and student together with an internal supervisor from HiØ.

It is not allowed to choose a company where the student already has an existing employment relationship.

The aim is to give the student insight into and experience with day-to-day operations in a company or organization where IT is central, thus gaining a feeling of how it is to work with IT in the real world.

The student must write a report and give a presentation of the project.

Forms of teaching and learning

Work that is normally performed individually but that in exceptional cases and subject to application can be performed in groups.Supervision will be given by the company's supervisor and a supervisor appointed by HiØ.

If students from international partners attend courses, the lectures will be conducted in English.


Approx. 250 hours.

This includes preliminary work, reporting, presentation and other necessary work in connection with the course.

Practical training/internship

In this course, the student mainly work on a project / work assignment in a company.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The student shall

  • Deliver a project plan
  • Deliver a mid-term report.
  • Deliver a timelist confirmed by the employer
  • Deliver a report of the work assignment, including reflection note and certificate from the employer

The coursework requirements must be approved before students may sit the exam.


Individual oral presentation

Individual oral presentation of completed practice.  Duration about 20 minutes.

Grade passed / failed.


External and internal examiner, or two internal examiners.

Course evaluation

This course is evaluated by a

  • Mid-term evaluation (compulsory)

The responsible for the course compiles a report based on the feedback from the students and his/her own experience with the course. The report is discussed by the study quality committee of the Department of computer sciences and communication. 


The current reading list for 2023 Autumn can be found in Leganto
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:16 PM