ITI41920 Hands-On Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (Autumn 2022)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Course Leader:
Maben Rabi
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Elective course in the master programme in applied computer science, full-time and part-time.

Lecture Semester

First or third semester (autumn) in the full-time programme.

First, third or seventh semester (autumn) in the part-time programme.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The students has knowledge of

  • examples of Cyber-physical systems, arising in industry and society

  • basic Sensing, Communication, Control, and Computing elements in a typical Cyber-physical system

  • techniques for modelling Cyber-physical systems from their components

  • the challenges of simulating, designing, testing a verifying cyber-physical systems

  • basic simulation methods


The student is able to

  • decompose any given Cyber-physical system into its Sensing, Communication, Control, and Computing elements

  • apply basic modelling methods to capture the dynamic behaviour

  • predict dynamic behaviour using simulation tools

  • predict performance from approximate modelling and analysis

  • perform simulation and testing of simple Arduino or Raspberry-Pi based mechatronic Cyber-physical systems

General competence

The student

  • knows the way of abstracting device and embedded software details, and extracting the overall functional behaviour, in concrete examples of cyber-physical systems

  • is familiar with the terminology of the area of cyber-physical systems


  • Introduction to embedded computing devices

  • Introduction to basic sensing, actuating and other physical devices

  • Common communication protocols for real-time applications

  • Modelling of continuous and discrete dynamics

  • Challenges in specification, verification, and systems engineering

Forms of teaching and learning

Lectures, seminar/workshops, and project work with software tools and mechatronic hardware.  


Approx. 280 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The student must:

  • deliver up to 5 mandatory assignments

  • finish their final project work

These assignments require working with software packages, hardware implementation and programming, as well as reading and summarizing papers from the research literature. The final project also involve similar activities.

Coursework requirements must be accepted to qualify for the exam.


Oral exam and project report in groups

The exam is divided into two parts:

  • Oral exam in groups (50%): Based on the course curriculum. Duration 30 min. No supporting materials allowed. The students will get an individual grade.

  • Project report in groups (50%): Based on the project work.The students will get an individual grade.

Grading scale A - F in both parts. Both parts of the exam must be passed to pass the exam as a whole.The students will get an individual joint grade for the entire course.


External and internal examiner, or two internal examiners.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

Upon re-examination, each part of the examination can be retaken.

Course evaluation

This course is evaluated by a:

  • Mid-term evaluation (compulsory)

The responsible for the course compiles a report based on the feedback from the students and his/her own experience with the course. The report is discussed by the study quality committee at the Department of Computer Science and Communication.


The current reading list for AUTUMN 2022 can be found in Leganto.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 2:32:50 AM