IRMGR40824 Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) (Spring 2025)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Course Leader:
Lars Gunnar Furelid Tellnes
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Master in Green Energy Technology (Compulsory).

Lecture Semester

Second semester (spring).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The student

  • understands the background and consequences of the UN sustainability goals

  • understands how social sustainability may impact social issues both nationally and internationally

  • has knowledge of the EU strategy on Circular Economy

  • understands the principals of performing a Life Cycle Assessment for products

  • has knowledge about EUs Candidate list (REACH) for avoiding hazardous substances

  • has a theoretical knowledge on how to achieve optimal resource efficiency in a closed material loop

  • has basic knowledge in writing as an engineer and reporting on a business level

  • has basic knowledge of methods related to innovation and how to use these methods when working towards optimal resource efficiency in closed material loops.



The student

  • can perform a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) using computer programs (SIMAPRO or similar)

  • can plan and write a report as a feasibility study on improvements in LCA phases from an environmental standpoint and from a logistical standpoint

  • can perform a LEAN analysis on material flows through the life span

  • can perform an ethical analysis of possible consequences of material supply-chains in regard to the UN sustainability goals

  • can analyze the business potential in identified possible improvements in the closed material loops

  • can lead innovation workshop with an industry partner on closed circuit technology and possibilities suggested in reports

  • can perform a substitution process to avoid hazardous substances in materials.


General competence:

The student

  • has a solid understanding on the challenges connected to resource scarcity on a global level

  • shows good cooperative skills in group work situations

  • can work in close interaction with an industrial partner, and understands their business and challenges

  • has an overall understanding on the ethical challenges regarding possible conflict between short term busyness goals and possible long term consequences of the lifecycle of new and innovative solutions.


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) evaluates the environmental impact of products. Throughout planning, production, and marketing, analyzing consumption quantities is crucial for adjusting business models. The subject introduces the student to the principals outlined in EU priority on the translation to a circular economy, and how this will be a key framework factor for future business. The subject offers theoretical education on basic tools, but will mainly be focusing on the business-report to the industry-partner, and the process leading to this report.

Keyword for content:

  • Adapting the UN sustainability goals in technology and business

  • LCA basic: Environmental indicators, phases in LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)

  • LCA tools: Benchmarking performance for product-phases

  • Ethical considerations regarding sustainability, utilization of hazardous substances, material supply-chains, and possible conflicts between short term busyness goals and possible long term consequences of the lifecycle of new and innovative solutions.

  • Innovation tools

  • Writing business reports

Forms of teaching and learning

  • Lectures and guest speakers

  • Literature-study

  • Group work

  • Workshop with group members and supervisor

  • On the job observation

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

1 assignement


Multiple choice exam, individual. 


One internal and one external examiner or two internal.

Course evaluation

The course will be evaluated by a standardized electronic form.


The reading list will be published in Leganto.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 17, 2024 11:15:15 PM