SFS40416 Organisation and leadership 3 (Autumn 2020–Spring 2021)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Health, Welfare and Organisation
Course Leader:
Frode Haaland
Teaching language:
Norwegian, but parts of the teaching can be done in English. Not available to exchange students.
1 year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Master's Programme in Organization and Leadership.

Recommended requirements

The course Organization and Leadership 1 (30 ECTS credits) and Organization and Leadership 2 (30 ECTS credits) must be passed.

Lecture Semester

Fifth and sixth semester (autumn and spring). Part-time with eight three-day sessions in total during the autumn and spring semesters.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The student:

  • can describe the background for and content of relevant changes in working life and what consequences these have for the roles of leaders and employees

  • has knowledge of the leader's role in development work

  • knows development and change processes

  • has experience With how learning takes place in working life

  • can take a critical approach to how leadership is learnt and how leadership can be systematically developed

  • has sound knowledge of recrutiment and onboarding processes and how new employees are integrated in to their new place of work 

  • can create a research design for an independent and limited research or development project (master's thesis) under supervision and in line with ethically derived principles and requirements of regulatory bodies

  • distinguish between the knowledge and the methods that are classified under the terms qualitative and quantitative research methodology, and apply methods from both of these

  • make appropriate choice of research method based on the ontological and epistemological assumptions that characterise the goal in the student's own research or development project (master's thesis)


Modern organisational forms impose strict requirements on the leader's competence, and the need to develop such competence has therefore become an important focus for development in many organisations. The aim of the course is to enable the students to conduct development work in their own organisation, within the framework of their own leadership position or as part of staff functions. The basis for conducting such development work is a critical analysis of the organisation's functioning, a good understanding of the special conditions that apply to change processes and the expedient choice of instruments.

Leaders require mental tools to interpret trends in working life and social life in a critical and constructive manner, but also specific action-oriented tools to bring about desired changes. The goal of being both critical and constructive is a fundamental element of the course.

Through the course, the students will work towards developing a project outline for their thesis. This work will be carried out in groups, individually, at seminars and with their supervisor. Through teaching in philosophy of science, research design and quantitative and qualitative methodology, the students will develop the necessary knowledge and skills for work on the thesis. Work on philosophy of science, research design and methodology will be directly linked to the students' thesis work so that on completion of the course, the students will have a more reflective basis for starting to write their thesis.

Forms of teaching and learning

The course builds on the students' own experience and requires a great deal of activity and engagement on the part of the students, both at and between sessions. The sessions will be similar to workshops, with a great deal of group work on developing methods and tools for organisational and leadership development. Lectures and literature review will make up a small part of the sessions. This places great responsibility on the students in relation to working independently on the syllabus and raising difficult topics at the sessions in the form of questions.


Each student will be appointed a supervisor and a contract between HiØ and the individual student will be signed that sets out the supervision and its scope.

The scope of the supervision is 6 hours. If a student takes a leave of absence from the programme and has already started supervision, they are nonetheless not entitled to more than 6 hours' supervision in total.


The expected number of working hours for the whole course is 840 hours, of which teaching sessions comprise 168 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Attendance requirement of 75 % of the teaching days
  • Submit indivually or in groups of two, a thesis outline and present this orally

  • Act as an opponent for the outlines of fellow students in groups of 4-8 students

Required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam.



The student(s) must draw up a project outline for the thesis work of 7000-10 000 words (excluding cover, table of contents, and literature list), individually or in pairs. The project outline must cover the research question, theory and research design for the planned master's thesis.

The grades Pass/Fail are used.


One external and one internal examiner or two internal examiners are used.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

If the grade Fail is awarded, the candidate(s) must submit a new project outline individually or in pairs.

Course evaluation

Student evaluations are conducted in accordance with the procedures for quality assurance work at HiØ.


The reading list was last updated 25.06.2020. The literature list can be supplemented with literature related to the spring semester by December 1st.

Compendiums are sold in the bookstore at campus Remmen:
* Download via the link provided. VPN is necessary on some of the articles, please see the following link: https://www.hiof.no/english/services/it/network/vpn.html
# Compendium for methods (cover Organisation and leadership 3 and Master's Thesis in Organisation and Leadership)

# Askøy, H (2009) Leading through constant change. What are the issues for front line managers arising from changes to the home care services? Masteroppgave. ISH; Universitetet i Oslo pp 42-54.(12 pages) No ISBN https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/28394

Ball, S.J. (2003). The Teacher's Soul and the Terrors of Performativity. Journal of Education Policy, 18(2), 215-228. (13 pages) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0268093022000043065

Beime, K. S. (2018). Den avvikande anställda. En studie av den disciplinära processens misslyckande. Ørebro universitet. (205 pages) Full text: http://oru.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1178536/FULLTEXT01.pdf

* Bergman, A., Karlsson, J C., Gonäs, L. (2013). Ett jämlikt arbetsliv: Tankar om det möjliga, det troliga och det önskvärda. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 19(4): 75-86 (11 pages) http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A732847&dswid=-7375

# Cheek, J (2008) 'Research Design', in L Given ( ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative ResearchMethods Volume 2. Sage, Thousand Oaks.pp 761-763. (2 pages) ISBN 978-1-4129-4163-1 (cloth)

# Cheek, J, Ballantyne, A, Gillham, D., Mussared, l, Flett, P., Lewin., Walker, M., Roder-Allen, G., Quan,l, and Vandermeulen, S. (2005) Excerpts from Options, opportunities and older people: An exploration of care transitions and older people. Final Report. University of South Australia, ACH Group and Brightwater Collaborative for the Australian Research Council (ARC).pp 9-11. (3 pages) ISBN 1 92092 732 8

# Creswell,J.W. (2014) Research Design 4th edition Sage, Thousand Oaks pp, 28-31, 36-39, 66 (9 sider) 183-194,197-213. ISBN 978-1-4522-2609-5 (cloth)

Englund, H. & Frostenson, M: (2017). Managing performance evaluation uncertainties in schools: When teachers become struggling performers. European Educational Research Journal, 16(6), 885-906. (21 pages) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1474904117693243

* Ezzamel, M., Willmott, H. & Worthington, F. (2001). Power, Control and Resistance in ‘The Factory That Time Forgot’. Journal of Management Studies, 38(8), 1053-1079. (26 pages) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-6486.00272?casa_token=10e11tDb0MEAAAAA:FsNkZ1I2_A0zd4UQFTcjknt8xOAqArtM13l3hrag9xrjG948XrKPTYzO3W7skdIkaA3q66GSR3cq2OCm

Filstad, Cathrine (2016): Organisasjonslæring - fra kunnskap til kompetanse. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 2.utgave (326 pages)

Flick, Uwe (2015): Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner's Guide to Doing a Research Project. 2nd ed. London: Sage. (NB- new edition in 2015, new name and content!) (295 pages)

Haaland, Frode Hübertz (2019): Å knytte bånd: Rekruttering, utvelgelse og innfasing av nyansatte. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo (434 pages)

# Hesse-Biber, S. N. and Leavy P. (2011) The Practice of Qualitative Research 2nd edition Sage, Thousand Oaks pp 99-113, 123-126, 166-171,301-318 (40 pages) ISBN 978-1-4129-7457-8 (pbk)

Hirschman, Albert O.: Sorti eller protest: En fråga om lojaliteter. Arkiv förlag, Lund. (originalutgave: Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States) (188 pages)

Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar (2018): Organisasjonsendringer og endringsledelse. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 3rd edition (330 pages)

Klemsdal, Lars (2006): Den intuitive organisasjon: Forny virksomheten med de samme menneskene. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo (233 pages)

* Kotter, John P. (1995): Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Harvard Business Review. p.59-67, Vol.73, No.2 (9 pages) http://www.mcrhrdi.gov.in/91fc/coursematerial/management/20%20Leading%20Change%20-%20Why%20Transformation%20Efforts%20Fail%20by%20JP%20Kotter.pdf

# Kvale, Sand, Brinkman, S (2009) Interviews. Second Edition. Sage, Thousand Oaks p 28. (1 page) ISBN 978-0-7619-2542-2 (pbk)

# Liamputtong, P (2010) Qualitative Research Methods 3rd edition Oxford University Press, South Melbourne pp 32-33, 61, 64-86, 323, 327-328. (28 sider) ISBN 9780195551433 (pbk)

Løvås, Gunnar (2018): Statistikk for universiteter og høgskoler, 4.utgave. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo kapitlene 1-9, s. 1-403, se også tabeller bakerst s. 574-580. (403 pages).

Merriam, Sharan B and Tisdell E. J (2016): Qualitative Research. Fourth Edition Jossey - Bass, San Francisco. (346 pages)

* Moxnes, Paul (2007): Fasett-mennesket: Personlighet og rolle: Et lederopplæringsperspektiv. Forlaget Paul Moxnes, Oslo Chapter 4, p.81-111 (31 pages)

# Patton, M Q (2002) Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods 3rd edition Sage, Thousand Oakspp 230-246, 304, 331, 349, 356-357. (21 pages) ISBN 0-7619-1971-6

Rea, L. M & Parker, R. A. (2014) Designing and Conduction Survey Research: A Comprehensive Guide (4th edition.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Rexten, L. C. O. (2019). Kvinne og fagarbeider-en minoritet på byggeplassen (Master's thesis). Chapter 4 and 5, s. 36-80 (44 pages) Can be downloaded here:https://hiof.brage.unit.no/hiof-xmlui/handle/11250/2619397

# Silverman, D (2010) Doing Qualitative Research 3rd edition Sage, London. Pp 163-164, 292-294, 339-351. (16 pages) ISBN 978-1-84860-034-8

* Sisjord, M. K., Fasting, K., & Sand, T. S. (2020). Gendered pathways to elite coaching reflecting the accumulation of capitals. Sport, Education and Society, 1-13 (12 pages) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13573322.2020.1732904

* Sørensen, Charlotte & Aastvedt, Ailin (2019). Læring av feilslåtte innovasjoner. Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien. ISSN 2596-6200. 34(4) . doi: https://doi.org/10.22439/sis.v34i4.5876

Wahl, A., Holgersson, C., Höök, P., & Linghag, S. (2018). Det ordnar sig: teorier om organisation och kön. Studentlitteratur AB. Choose chapter

Willig, Rasmus (2009) Umyndiggjørelse: et essay om kritikkens infrastruktur. Hans Reitzels Forlag. Gylling, 160 pages.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:32:24 AM