SFB70019 Meeting among cultures (Spring 2019–Autumn 2019)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Teaching language:
1 year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Elective course in:

  • Bachelor programme in international communication
  • Bachelor programme in society, languages and culture

The course is open for students from other programmes depending on capacity. In addition, it may after prior approval, or after application for substituting another course, be part as an elective course in other study programmes, or be taken in addition to other programmes.

Students who have completed Meetings among cultures I (10 ECTS) may also take Meetings among cultures II (15 ECTS), and vice versa, providing the research question is different in the two project papers.

Lecture Semester

The course is offered as supervised project work

Students on the Utforsk project attend a one-week workshop at Hebei Geo University in the Spring semester 2019, and a second one-week workshop at Østfold University College in the Spring semester 2020.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The candidate

  • has sound knowledge in the field of culture and society
  • has knowledge of academic writing.


The candidate

  • has skills in working independently with an academic assignment.

General competence

The candidate

  • has specialised knowledge through in-depth work with a self-chosen topic related to culture and society (in the English-/French-/Spanish- or German-speaking countries).
  • has become aware of intercultural and/or comparative aspects.


The course is based on supervised individual work. The students choose their topic based on their own interest and in agreement with a tutor.

The topic can be related to taught courses (e.g. in the 60 and 90 ECTS modules in one-year programmes and extension programmes, or courses that are being taught in the same semester or have been taught in earlier semesters in the bachelor programme in International Communication), or it can be related to other areas or issues in the target countries.

Forms of teaching and learning

Supervised project work (up to five hours of supervision), given in English. Students on the Utforsk project shall attend the two workshops mentioned above.


Approx. 280 hours.


Individual written project work

The report is to be approx. 15 pages long (illustrations not included).

  • The students have to write in English.

The paper should include correct references. Advice is offered through the entire work process.

The assessment is based on the ability to work in-depth with a topic as well as on independence and sound presentation of the work. The grading scale A-F is used.


One external and one internal examiner or two internal examiners.

Course evaluation

The course is evaluated according to the rules for quality work at Østfold University College.


The students compile a reference list in connection with the chosen topic. The reference list is to be submitted along with the project.

Lecturer 2019/2020:

Lana Berglund (lana.berglund@hiof.no), Søren Wenstøp (soren.wenstop@hiof.no), Geir C. Tufte (geir.c.tufte@hiof.no), Han Jin (Hannah (275080274@qq.com), Wang Bifeng

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:32:19 AM