SFS40116 Organisation and leadership 1 (Autumn 2019–Spring 2020)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Health, Welfare and Organisation
Course Leader:
Mats Persson
Teaching language:
Norwegian, but parts of the teaching can be done in English. Not available to exchange students.
1 year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Master's Programme in Organization and Leadership.

Lecture Semester

First and second semester (autumn and spring). Part-time with eight three-day sessions in total during the autumn and spring semesters.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

After completing the course, the student is capable of:

  • providing a general overview of different theoretical traditions in the study of organisations, leadership and decision-making

  • understanding the historical framework for the forms of organisation and labour market relations in the Nordic countries

  • understanding the difference between modernist and social constructivist approaches to organisations

  • describing the differences between forms of explanation in social science that build on qualities, relations and structure

  • describing the content of key concepts such as efficiency, rationalism, flexibility, change and legitimacy, and understanding what these phenomena mean for the organisation¿s internal and external relations

  • analysing and understanding difficult cooperation, particularly across organisations

  • analysing the dynamics, processes and mechanisms that arise when attempting to change and merge organisations

  • using different analytical perspectives on change and cooperation in organisations

  • describing what delegation is and what role it can play in the development of organisations

  • understanding the mechanisms at play in a group dynamics process and knowing how to control them as a leader

  • describing different organisational models and the historical conditions behind their growth

  • describing the phenomena power, authority and influence and how these can be situated in working life


Emphasis is placed on:

  • placing the topic of leadership within an organisational theory and organisational analytical framework Leadership is practised in situations and organisations where changes in and pressure from the surroundings constantly steer the leadership practice. Such changes and pressure, including increased cost efficiency requirements, also place pressure on the organisation's internal structures and processes. Restructuring and transition requirements increase the need for skills in cooperation and communication, and for leaders to be able to understand the causes, dynamics and solutions to conflicts.

  • elucidating changes in organisational design and how these are contingent on historical factors. Emphasis is also placed on highlighting the relationship between an organisation's purpose, structure and processes.

  • developing the ability to analyse power and authority relations in organisations, so that awareness is raised of what different sources of power exist and how the organisation can be swayed in a desired direction by utilising the interaction between different sources.

  • the organisation's micro-processes, i.e. the close and everyday interaction between members of the organisation, in and between groups, across sections/agencies and organisations. The theoretical basis for this topic is different sociological and social psychological action theories.

  • developing practical skills on the basis of theoretical insight and previous experience. Conflict, negotiation and teambuilding are examples of areas where practical skills development takes place in light of broadened perspectives on causes, functions, intentions and how humans socially construct our reality.

Forms of teaching and learning

Teaching methods vary between lectures, group work, exercises and plenary discussions. The course requires great effort on the part of the students both at teaching sessions and in their own time. This entails reviewing literature of relevance to the programme and conducting surveys and exercises. Work groups will be organised so that students can work on assignments, literature studies etc. between sessions. The students will write two in-depth assignments as a basis for assessment in the course. The coursework requirement for the course is submission of draft papers for the in-depth assignments.


The expected number of working hours for the whole course is 840 hours, of which the sessions comprise 168 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Attendance requirement of 75 % of teaching days

  • Assignment seminar: - submission of draft papers for the in-depth assignments, with oral presentation of these in seminar groups - act as opponent for the draft papers of fellow students

Required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam.


Individual portfolio assessment

In the course of the academic year, the students must submit two in-depth assignments of 8-10 A4 pages each, which will form the basis for awarding an exam grade. An overall grade will be awarded for the two assignments using grades from A to F. Students are allowed to improve the content of the portfolio until the given submission deadline.


One external and one internal examiner or two internal examiners are used.

Conditions for resit/rescheduled exams

If a fail grade is awarded, the student has one opportunity to rework the content of the portfolio. In the event of a resit exam, a new portfolio must be submitted. Please note that the student is not entitled to further supervision in such cases.

If the grade awarded is appealed, the whole portfolio will be reassessed.

Course evaluation

Student evaluations are conducted in accordance with the procedures for quality assurance work at HiØ.


The reading list was last updated on 15th October 2019.

The syllabus comprises both literature and lectures. The size of the written syllabus is approx. 2,000 pages.

The syllabus is subject to change for the sping semester.

The literature can be purchased at Index bookshop at the university college campus in Remmen, or from your local bookshop or online.

You will find literature marked (*) in the compendium Kopisamling 1 for the Master's Programme in Organization and Leadership.

Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar & Thorsvik, Jan (2013). Hvordan organisasjoner fungerer. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 4. utg. Kapittel 1 (Bokens overordnede perspektiv), s. 16-34 (18 sider)

Ry Nielsen J.C. Ry, Morten (2002). Anderledes tanker om Leavitt – en klassiker i ny belysning. København: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne. (39 sider)

*Noon, Mike, Paul Blyton & Kevin Morrell (2013) The Realities of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Kapittel 9. s. 225-263 (38 sider)

*Perrow, Charles (2013) Complex Organizations. Brattleboro: Echo Point, Kapittel 1. s. 1-42 + 46-48 (46 sider)

Haaland, Frode & Dale, Frode (2005). På randen av ledelse: En veiviser i førstegangsledelse. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (205 sider)

*Bass, Bernhard M. (2004). Fra transaksjonsledelse til transformasjonsledelse: Å lære å dele en visjon. I: Martinsen, Øyvind L.: Perspektiver på ledelse. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. s.191-205 (15 sider)

Heiret, Jan et al. (2007). Arbeidsliv, historie, samfunn. Norske arbeidslivsrelasjoner i historisk, sosiologisk og arbeidsrettslig perspektiv. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 3 og 4 (136 sider)

Skorstad, Egil J. (2002). Organisasjonsformer – kontinuitet eller forandring. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kapittel 7,9 og 11 (80 sider)

Taylor, F. W. (2005 [1911]). Prinsippene for vitenskapelig bedriftsledelse. Oslo: Vidarforlaget. s. 13-111 (98 sider)

*Roethlisberger, F.J. & Dickson, W.J. (1939) Management and the worker: an account of a research program conducted by the Western electric company, Hawthorne works, Chicago. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Kapittel 22. s. 511-524 og kapittel 24. s. 551-568 (30 sider)

*Thorsrud, E., & Emery, F. E. (1969). Mot en ny bedriftsorganisasjon: Eksperimenter i industrielt demokrati, fra Samarbeidsprosjektet LO/NAF. Oslo: Tanum. Kapittel 7. s. 174-182. (16 sider)

*Atkinson, J. (1984). Manpower Strategies for Flexible Organisations. Personnel management, 16(8), 28-31. (4 sider)

*Skorstad, E. J. (2015). Det fleksible fenomenet lean. I: A. C. Bergman, G. Gillberg & L. Ivarsson (Red.), Tankar om arbete: 17 texter om arbete, arbetsliv och samhällsförändring. Falun: Premiss. s. 220-237. (18 sider)

Røvik, Kjell Arne (2007). Trender og translasjoner. Ideer som former det 21. århundrets organisasjon. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 2, 3, 10, 12, 13 og 15. (180 sider)

Freeman, R.E. & Reed, D.L. (1983). Stockholders and Stakeholders: A New Perspective on Corporate Governance. California Management Review, 25(3), 88-106. (18 sider)

Kay, J. (2018). Theories of the Firm. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 25(1), 11-17. (6 sider)

Lov om årsregnskap m.v. (“Regnskapsloven”), særlig § 3-3b. Redegjørelse om foretaksstyring, https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/1998-07-17-56#KAPITTEL_3

Mostovicz, E. I., Kakabadse, N.K. Kakabadse, A. (2011) Corporate governance: quo vadis? Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 11(5), 613-626. (13 sider)

Norsk utvalg for eierstyring og selskapsledelse (NUES) (2018). Norsk anbefaling: Eierstyring og selskapsledelse, http://wpstatic.idium.no/nues.no/2018/10/NUES_nor_web_okt2018_2.pdf (54 sider)

Vinten, G. (2002). The corporate governance lessons of Enron, Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 2(4), 4-9. (5 sider)

Brunsson, Nils & Brunsson Karin (2015). Beslutninger. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, (120 sider)

March, James G., (1994). A Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen, New York: The Free Press. (272 sider)

Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar & Thorsvik, Jan (2013). Hvordan organisasjoner fungerer. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 4. utg. Kapittel 9 (Beslutningsprosesser i organisasjoner), s.306-349 (43 sider)

*Flaa, Paul m.fl. (1995). «Beslutningsteori og beslutningsmodeller» I: Flaa, Paul m.fl. Innføring i organisasjonsteori, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 11, s. 166-189 (24 sider)

Collier, J. & Esteban, R. (2007). Corporate social responsibility and employee commitment. Business Ethics: A European Review, 16(1), 19-33. (14 sider)

Frostenson, M., Helin, S. & Sandström, J. (2012). The internal significance of codes of conduct in retail companies. Business Ethics. A European Review, 21(3), 263-275. (12 sider)

Kvalnes, Ø. (2012). Etikk og samfunnsansvar. Universitetsforlaget. (161 sider)

Maclagan, P. (2007). Hierarchical control or individuals’ moral autonomy? Addressing a fundamental tension in the management of business ethics. Business Ethics: A European Review, 16(1), 48-61. (13 sider)

Nyberg, D. (2008). The Morality of Everyday Activities: Not the Right, But the Good Thing To Do. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(3), 587–598. (11 sider)

Schwartz, M.S. (2013). Developing and Sustaining an Ethical Corporate Culture: The Core Elements. Business Horizons, 56(1), 39-50. (11 sider)

von Weltzien Høivik, H. (2002). Professional Ethics – a Managerial Opportunity in Emerging Organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 39(1–2), 3–11. (8 sider)

*San Martín-Rodríguez, L., Beaulieu, M. D., D'Amour, D., & Ferrada-Videla, M. (2005). The determinants of successful collaboration: a review of theoretical and empirical studies. Journal of interprofessional care, 19 (sup1), 132-147 (15 sider)

*Kristiansen, A (2014). Tillit og kommunikasjon i ulike samarbeidsprosesser (2014). I: Grelland, H. H., Eide, S. B., Kristiansen, A., Sævareid, H. I., og Aasland, D. G. (2014). Samarbeidets filosofi. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk, s. 137-157 (20 sider)

*Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar (2004). Hvorfor er samarbeid så vanskelig? I: Repstad, Pål: Dugnadsånd og forsvarsverker. Universitetsforlaget 2004. (37 sider)

Einarsen, Ståle og Pedersen, Harald (2017). Håndtering av konflikter og trakassering i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal akademisk. (360 sider)

E-post fagansvarlig: mats.persson@hiof.no

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:32:16 AM