SFB52414 Bachelor dissertation with internship or business project (Spring 2017)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Course Leader:
Mari Hellum
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

The course is mandatory specialisation in the Bachelor's Programme in International Communication


The specialisation course builds on the course SFB52214 PR and Communication in the 5th semester.

Lecture Semester

6th semester (spring)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The candidates have acquired sound practical knowledge of communication work in companies and organisations.
They have the necessary knowledge to write a research paper.

The candidates are able to write a research paper.
They have participated in or are familiar with the daily and strategic communication work in a company or organisation


The candidates have acquired the knowledge and skills to write a research paper, as well as practical skills in communication work.
They have developed ethically sound attitudes to communication work and to relations with the organisation's stakeholders and environment.


  • Work practice in communication functions in companies, organisations (NGOs) or the public sector, alternatively: working with a project in cooperation with external companies/organisations/public authorities.
  • Writing a bachelor's thesis/research paper related to the internship or project

Forms of teaching and learning

The students complete a three months' work practice or company project lasting from January to April in a communication function in a company/organisation or in cooperation with a company/organisation. The students participate in daily communication tasks as well as strategic planning.

English as well as Norwegian will be used as a rule.

Parallel with and after the internship/project period the students are writing the bachelor's thesis with supervision from the faculty supervisor. The thesis takes it starting point in the company/organisation and in the course SFB52214 PR and Communication (10 ECTS credits). Continuous individual supervision is given up to a total of 15 hours.


Approx. 840 hours

Practical training/internship

Approx. 3 months full-time work practice in the spring semester in PR or communication functions in companies/organisations, preferably companies/organisations that work internationally. Alternatively: completing an external company project.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Completion of work practice or project

The coursework must be completed and approved before registering for the examination.


Individual written bachelor's thesis plus oral examination

The Bachelor's Thesis is to be written either in English or Norwegian (the student's own choice) and must have been approved before students may present themselves for the oral examination. The oral examination (approx. 30 minutes) can adjust the written result by one step on the A-F grading scale. The oral examination is performed in the language not chosen for the written paper.

Bachelor's theses are subject to electronic plagiarism checks. Identical or partly identical bachelor's theses will not be passed. They are to be seen as an attempt at cheating. For more information see regulations pertaining to exams and study rights at Østfold University College. 

In the case of a Fail in the written work the candidate may submit an improved version at a re-scheduled examination. This is limited to one attempt.

If candidates wish to improve their final grade they have to submit a new thesis with a new research question. In this case the faculty does not offer supervision.

In the case of an appeal against the assessment the written work is to be reassessed. If the result of the reassessment is a different grade, a new oral examination is to be arranged.

Course evaluation

The course is evaluated at the end of the semester.


A specialised syllabus selected by the student can be necessary for the bachelor's thesis, dependent on the topic of the thesis. Other literature is the required and supplementary reading of the course PR and Communication and other courses in the curriculum of the Bachelor's Programme in International Communication.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:32:04 AM