SSP10117 Spanish-language Literature and Society 1 (Autumn 2017)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Berit Grønn
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Compulsory course in the one-year programme in Spanish.
A part of the 60-credit unit can form part of the Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language, and Culture.

Lecture Semester

First semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


After completing the course, the student is expected to
- have knowledge about a selection of topics in the field of Spanish and Latin American everyday life, culture and history
- have knowledge about different cultural forms of expression, such as literature, film, music and art in Spanish-speaking areas
- have knowledge of social circumstances in Spanish-speaking areas
- have a well-developed and differentiated vocabulary in areas such as everyday life, culture and history
- have knowledge of written and oral forms of expression in different genres and in different media in modern Spanish  


After completing the course, the student is capable of
- understanding, describing and reflecting on the content of oral, written, complex and audio-visual texts related to the selected topics
- expressing him or herself orally, both spontaneously and when prepared, and in writing about various everyday, cultural and social topics in an understandable and structured way that is adapted to the target group and communication setting
- giving examples of, explaining and reflecting on the use of language and concepts in modern Spanish
- varying the choice of words, sentence structure and textural structure when communicating subject matter
- collecting and critically assessing information from different Spanish language sources and using the information in presentations of and discussions about the subject matter

 General competence

After completing the course, the student is capable of
- presenting and forming an opinion about the content of texts in Spanish about everyday life, culture and history
- gaining an overview of, familiarising him or herself with and exploring social issues in the target language area
- expressing him or herself orally in Spanish in a reasonably spontaneous and fluent manner about current topics
- using Spanish words, language and text structures independently and in an expedient manner


The teaching activities are intended to help students to acquire new knowledge and develop their communication skills in Spanish through understanding, communicating, discussing and reflecting on the content of different texts (oral, written, complex and audio-visual). Teaching will deal with historical and current social issues and cultural circumstances, such as everyday life, cultural expressions, ways of life and traditions, and the Spanish language as used in different contexts. Through data collection, oral and written production, and interaction, the students will be able to gain an overview of the subject matter, select and specialise in certain topics, develop a varied and nuanced vocabulary and reflect on their own and others' use of the Spanish language. Students are expected to actively participate in teaching activities.

Forms of teaching and learning

Teaching and supervision takes place online via digital cooperation tools and the learning platform. Students are also expected to actively participate in reviewing and discussing the subject matter and to set aside time to prepare for lectures and conduct follow-up work. Students will practise presenting, discussing and reflecting on historical, social and cultural issues in the target language area. They will also practise describing the content of and opinions expressed in Spanish-speaking texts in different genres and media. Through oral and written assignments and exercises, the students will become aware of how words and concepts are used in different contexts and how Spanish sentences and texts can be structured.  

Limited supervision and instruction at Halden campus is possible if desirable, and if a sufficient number of students are interested. Students must be prepared to work on course topics individually or together with other students, for example by finding, selecting and familiarising themselves with relevant sources, studying certain topics in depth and preparing presentations.   


Approx. 420 hours

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • One oral presentation given individually, in pairs or in groups (10-20 minutes) on a topic selected by the student(s) with a subsequent conversation about the content of the presentation. The topic and form of the presentation must be agreed with the lecturer in advance.
  • One written assignment must be submitted individually, in pairs or in groups. Scope: maximum 1,500 words, excluding the literature list. All sources must be cited. Font and font size: 12-point Times New Roman. Line spacing: 1.5.  

Required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam.


Individual oral exam. Duration: approx. 30 minutes. Grade scale A-F. No aids permitted.

Oral exam consisting of two parts: In the first, the candidate presents a self-selected topic (5-8 minutes). The second part of the exam concerns historical, social and cultural topics that have been covered in the course.

One internal and one external examiner.

As a rule, the oral exam takes place online via a digital cooperation tool. 
It is also possible to take the oral exam on campus.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is decisive in order for us to be able to offer the best possible courses and study programmes. The following forms of evaluation are used for this course:

A mid-semester evaluation and continuous/final evaluation

The results are considered by:

- lecturer groups
- the programme coordinator
- the local programme committee


Updated on June 2nd 2017.

Gravina, Scott m.fl. (2007). Épocas y Avances: Lengua en su contexto cultural. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. ISBN-13: 978-0300108361 (utvalgte deler)

Gravina, Scott m.fl. (2008). Épocas y avances: Lengua en su contexto cultural, Cuaderno de trabajo. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. ISBN-13: 978-0300108378 (utvalgte deler)

Sánchez Lobato, J. & Acquaroni, R. (2013). Vocabulario ELE B2. Léxico fundamental de español de los niveles A1-B2. Madrid: Editorial SGEL. ISBN: 978-84-9778-492-4

Maximino J. Ruiz Rufino (2010): Spansk språkkunnskap. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-747-7507-7. Kapittel 3, 4 og 8. Dvs. Samme bok som Spansk språk 1 (se ovenfor)

López Moreno, C. (2014). España contemporánea. Madrid: Editorial SGEL. (utvalgte deler)

Álvarez-Solar, María y Elisabeth Fonseca (eds.) Sociedad y cultura en América Latina. Bergen: Fagbokforl. 2006. (Kap. 5.1. El latifundio y los problemas agrarios, 5.2. La ciudad latinoamericana)

Utvalgte nettressurser oppgis ved studiestart.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:32:03 AM