SSP10017 Spanish language 1 (Autumn 2017)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Kristin Hagemann
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Compulsory course in the one-year programme in Spanish.
A part of the 60-credit unit can form part of the Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language, and Culture.
Elective course in the Bachelor's Programme in International Communication.

Lecture Semester

One-year programme in Spanish: 1st semester (autumn)
Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language, and Culture: 1st, 3rd or 5th semester (autumn)
Bachelor's Programme in International Communication: 5th semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


After completing the course, the student is expected to
- have knowledge about Spanish pronunciation and intonation
- be familiar with some of the main linguistic variations in the target language area
- have knowledge about Spanish word classes
- have knowledge about word structure and conjugation patterns in Spanish
- have knowledge about the language's phrase structure and syntax in simple sentences
- be familiar with parts of the Spanish verb system and its use
- be familiar with concepts in Spanish morphology and syntax
- have insight into different strategies used to understand oral and written texts in Spanish
- have insight into different strategies used to produce oral and written texts in Spanish


After completing the course, the student is capable of
- using Spanish in a functional manner in different oral and written communication settings
- expressing him or herself in Spanish orally and in writing in a coherent and reasonably fluent manner
- using concepts to describe word classes, word structure, conjugation patterns, and syntactic functions in Spanish
- using concepts to explain the application of different tenses in Spanish
- producing oral and written texts, both of a general nature and on specific grammatical topics
- understanding oral and written texts in Spanish and explaining their main content and more detailed information


After completing the course, the student is capable of
- using his or her acquired linguistic proficiency in an independent manner
- acquiring relevant subject matter independently or in cooperation with others
- communicating well in Spanish both orally and in writing
- maintaining and further developing his or her own linguistic proficiency in Spanish


Students will work systematically with the five linguistic skills (reading, listening, writing, oral production and oral interaction). They will learn and should be capable of explaining grammatical rules and key characteristics of the language. Students will improve their ability to understand and express themselves in Spanish, both orally and in writing. They will develop their knowledge and skills in language use and analysis (phonology, morphology and syntax).

Forms of teaching and learning

Students are expected to actively participate in lectures where the subject matter is reviewed and discussed, and in developing their own and each other's linguistic proficiencies and insight. Students will work on assignments individually, in pairs and in small groups. The primary language of instruction will be Spanish. Students are also expected to set aside time to prepare for lectures and to conduct follow-up work.

The content of the course will be available on the digital learning platform and through web-based teaching and supervision. Limited supervision and instruction at Halden campus is also possible if desirable, and if a sufficient number of students are interested.

Self-study is an important part of the students' work, and students are therefore expected to acquire much of the course's subject matter themselves. Among other things, students are expected to take the initiative to form study groups and work independently with authentic texts, for example by reading Spanish newspapers and watching Spanish programmes on TV or internet.


Approx. 420 hours

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • One individual written assignment must be submitted within a set deadline.
  • One individual oral conversation about subject matter on a given date.

Both coursework requirements must be met before the student can take the exam.


Individual written exam, 5 hours.
As a rule, the written exam is held on campus. The written exam is taken as a digital exam.
A special form may be used to apply to take the written exam at another approved location, if the time difference and possibility of necessary communication with the external place of the exam etc. so permit.

Permitted aids: Spanish dictionary.
Grade scale A-F.

Course evaluation

The course is evaluated by the students each semester and the evaluation is considered by the department's programme committee.


The reading list was last updated 2nd of June 2017.

Leonardo Gómez Torrego (siste utg. 2011) Gramática didactica del español, Editorial SM, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-675-4135-9

Leonardo Gómez Torrego (siste utg. 2011) Análisis sintáctico, Ediciones SM, Madrid.: ISBN:978-84-675-4134-2

Maximino J. Ruiz Rufino (2010): Spansk språkkunnskap. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-747-7507-7

Maximino J. Ruiz Rufino og Berit Grønn (2014): Gustar og andre spanske verbmysterier. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, ISBN 978-82-321-0155-9

Maximino J. Ruiz Rufino & Berit Grønn (2013): Ñ og andre lyd- og ordmysterier. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. ISBN13: 9788232101535

Recommended litterature:
Edición revisada y ampliada R. Alonso, A. Castañeda, P. Martínez, L. Miquel, J. Ortega, J. Plácido (2011): Gramática básica del estudiante de español. ISBN 9788484437260 (for repetisjon)

Chiquito, Ana Beatriz (2009): Spansk referansegrammatikk. Moderne språkbruk i Spania og Latin-Amerika.Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.ISBN: 9788245001266

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:32:03 AM