SFT40415 German: German Literature for Children and Adolescents (Spring 2016)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
Course Leaders:
  • Elin Nesje Vestli
  • Peter Langemeyer
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

The course is optional and included in the German as a Foreign Language Extension Course that may be part of the Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language and Culture.

Lecture Semester

German as a Foreign Language Extension Course: 2nd semester (spring).

Bachelor in Society, Language and Culture: 4th or 6th  semester (spring).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

Students have good knowledge of child and youth literature in German, from ca. 1950 until today. They are familiar with the main tendencies in the development of child and youth literature in this period. They are also familiar with important writers and important works and texts suitable for teaching at different levels.

Students will reflect on the role of literature didactics in foreign language teaching.

General competence
Students are able to use literary texts in their own teaching.


The course constitutes a specialisation in child and youth literature from ca. 1950 till today. The use of literature in the teaching of German is a central issue, seen from a didactic perspective and above all from working with concrete teaching projects.

Forms of teaching and learning

Campus classes in Halden and online teaching. Classes are not compulsory.


Approx. 560 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



Portfolio assessment. The portfolio must contain three contributions:

  • a) a book review of a child or youth novel in German (of the student's own choice), addressed at a Norwegian audience. The review should be about two pages long and be written in Norwegian.
  • b) a reader's diary based on one of the texts in the curriculum. This is to be presented to the other students in the course
  • c ) a more extensive assignment, such as a teaching concept or reading project anchored in didactic issues, a text analysis of one or more works, a comparative work, or a presentation of aspects of the history of literature. This assignment, of 12-15 pages including bibliography and notes (illustrations not included), is to be written in German.

The topics for the assignments are chosen in cooperation with the course instructor, who will facilitate the writing process.

The assessment is based on knowledge, reflection, in-depth understanding, independence and the use of language. One mark is given for both components, using the A-F grading scale.

Course evaluation

We need feedback from our students to be able to improve our courses and study programmes.

This course is evaluated:
-in a midterm evaluation and
-in a final/formative evaluation

The results are dealt with by:
-the group of lecturers
-the head of studies and
-the local study quality committee.


Possible corrections will be announced prior to the start of the course 

Primary Literature:

ABEDI, Isabel/NEUENDORF, Silvio: Blöde Ziege. Dumme Gans (ArsEdition 2009).

BACH, Tamara: Marsmädchen (dtv 2005).

ENDE, Michael: Momo (Thienemann 2005).

FUNKE, Cornelia: Tintenherz (Oetinger 2010).

GEISLER, Dagmar: Wandas geheime Notizen (dtv junior 2010).

GREDER, Armin: Die Insel (Sauerländer 2002).

HEIDELBACH, Nikolaus: Prinz Alfred (Beltz 2012).

HERRNDORF, Wolfgang: Bilder deiner großen Liebe (Rowohlt 2014).

HINTZE, Olaf/KRONES, Susanne: Tonspur. Wie ich die Welt von gestern verließ (dtv 2014)

JANOSCH erzählt Grimms Märchen und zeichnet für Kinder von heute (2 fairy tales chosen by the student; Beltz 2013).

KÄSTNER, Erich: Die Konferenz der Tiere (Dressler 2007).

KRESLEHNER, Gabi: Charlottes Traum (2009).

MAXEINER, Alexandra /KUHL, Anke: Alles Familie! (Klett 2010).

NÖSTLINGER, Christine: Wir pfeifen auf den Gurkenkönig (Beltz 2014).

POPPE, Grit: Abgehauen (Dressler 2012)

PREUSSLER, Otfried: Die kleine Hexe (Thienemann 2013)

SCHAMI, Rafik: Wie ich Papa die Angst vor Fremden nahm (Hanser 2003).

SCHEFFLER, Ursel: Tote trinken keine Cola. Kommissar Kugelblitz. Ratekrimi (Schneider Verlag 2005).

SCHINDLER, Nina: Schritte hinter mir (Arena 2005).

STEINHÖFEL, Andreas: Beschützer der Diebe (Carlsen 2007).

Recommended background literature  (this is not part of the curriculum, but relevant for the assignments):

KOPPENSTEINER, Jürgen/SCHWARZ, Eveline: Literatur im DaF/DaZ-Unterricht. Eine Einführung in Theorie und Praxis (Praesens 2012).

O'SULLIVAN, Emer/RÖSLER, Dietmar: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Fremdsprachenunterricht (Stauffenburg 2013).

SCHIKORSKY, Isa: Kurze Geschichte der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (Books on Demand 2012, alt. som e-bok).

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:58 AM