SFS10207 Social Science Research Methods (Autumn 2016)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in Political Science One-Year Programme.
Specialisation course in the Bachelor's Programme in Business Administration: specialisation in Political Science.
Part of the component worth 60 ECTS credits that can make up the Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language and Culture.
Optional course in the Bachelor's Programme in International Communication.

Lecture Semester

Political Science One-Year Programme: 1st semester (autumn)
Bachelor's Programme in Business Administration, specialisation in political science: 5th semester (autumn)
Bachelor's Programme in Society, Language and Culture: 1st, 3rd or 5th semester (autumn)
Bachelor's Programme in International Communication: 5th semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The students have sound knowledge of basic topics and concepts of social science research.

The students master central data collection methods and are able to analyse collected data.

The students have general competence in finding relevant literature and evaluating social science issues.


The course introduces basic research methodology and theory of science.

The entire research process is being looked at and explained by examples. Various types of assignments illustrate the use of theoretical perspectives and concepts on current issues.
The students also learn the more technical-practical aspects of social science method.

Forms of teaching and learning

In addition to lectures seminar teaching enhances the learning of relevant statistics programs. The students also work with assignments in the seminars. Time for student team-learning in study groups is included in the semester plans. The students are expected to set up and organise such study groups. The course is taught in Norwegian.


Approximatly 420 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Three written assignments by given deadlines.

The coursework must be approved prior to registering for the examination.


Individual written examination

Written 4-hour examination, no aids permitted. Grading scale: A-F

Course evaluation

The course is evaluated twice each semester by the students and the result is processed by the Faculty Committee for Study Quality


Last updated June 7th 2016

Bratberg, Øivind (2014). Tekstanalyse for samfunnsvitere. Oslo: Cappelen Damm
Godfrey-Smith, Peter (2003) Theory and Reality: an intorduction to the philosophy of science Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
Jacobsen, Dag Invar (2015). Hvordan gjennomføre undersøkelser: Innføring i samfunnsvitenskapelig metode Oslo: Høyskoleforlaget
Johannessen, Asbjørn (2009). Introduksjon til SPSS. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag

Kursorisk litteratur:
Pirsig, Robert M. (2006) Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. New York: HarperTorch

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:54 AM