SSP10312 Spanish language 2 (Spring 2015)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Berit Grønn
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Compulsory course in the one-year programme in Spanish.
Part of the component worth 60 ECTS credits that can be included in the Bachelor Programme in Society, Language and Culture.

Lecture Semester

Semester 2 (spring)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

On completion of the course, the students:

- have sound knowledge of the Spanish phonological system
- are familiar with pronunciation variations in the target-language area
- have in-depth knowledge of Spanish grammatical structure (morphology, syntax and semantics)
- are familiar with some linguistic variants in Spanish
- have insight into different strategies for understanding oral and written texts in Spanish
- have insight into different strategies for producing coherent texts in Spanish on different topics

On completion of the course, the students can:

- use Spanish functionally in different oral and written communicative situations
- express themselves in Spanish orally and in writing precisely, coherently, and fluently
- give an account of the grammatical structure
- give an account of the functions of different parts of sentences
- understand oral and written texts in Spanish and give an account of the main content and details
- perform translation exercises
- use different strategies for understanding and producing oral and written texts in the target language

General competence
On completion of the course, the students can:

- acquire, communicate and reflect on relevant subject matter independently and in cooperation with others
- understand and communicate meaning content in Spanish independently and in an appropriate manner
- have a well-developed vocabulary
- explain key grammatical topics
- perform sentence analysis
- can maintain and further develop their linguistic competence in Spanish
- can maintain and further develop their knowledge of language and language acquisition


The students further develop their knowledge and the five linguistic skills (reading, listening, writing, oral production and interaction), placing particular emphasis on written skills.
Emphasis is placed on knowledge of Spanish grammar, both normative and descriptive, and on sentence analysis. Key grammatical topics in modern Spanish are covered, and the students will work on these in a variety of ways. The course also focuses on translation.

Forms of teaching and learning

The students are expected to actively participate in reviewing and discussing specialised subject matter at lectures and in developing their own language skills and insights and those of others. The students are given several exercises to perform during the course in areas such as sentence analysis, translation, and imparting the content of texts from different genres. The students also receive training in commenting on language in practice.

The course content will be available on a digital learning platform and through web-based education. Limited supervision and tuition will also be available at Campus Halden, subject to interest and provided that the number of students is sufficient.

Self-study is an important element in the students' work, and they are therefore expected to acquire knowledge of much of the subject matter related to the course independently. For example, the students are expected to form study groups on their own initiative, and to work independently on authentic texts by, for example, reading Spanish-language newspapers and watching Spanish-language programmes on TV or online.

The language of instruction is primarily Spanish.


Approximatly 420 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Submission of 2 individual written assignments by set deadlines. One individual oral discussion on specialised subject matter and a topic of the student's choice must be held on a given date.

Coursework requirements must be approved before students may sit the exam.


Written exam lasting 5 hours. Permitted support materials: Spanish-Spanish dictionary. The written exam is normally held on campus. Students may use a dedicated form to apply to sit the written exam at an alternative, approved venue if time differences and access to necessary communication with the external exam venue permit.

Oral exam, approx. 20 minutes No support materials permitted. The grade awarded for the oral exam may adjust the grade for the written exam by one grade up or down on the grading scale A–F. The oral exam in normally held online via the Learning Platform. Students may also take the oral exam on campus.

In the case of resit exams and rescheduled exams, both exam components must be retaken.

Right to appeal: In the event of an appeal against a grade awarded for a written exam paper, the paper will be reassessed. If a grade is adjusted after reassessment, a new oral exam must be arranged; see Regulations governing Examinations and Admissions at Østfold University College.

Course evaluation

The feedback we receive from our students plays a decisive role in our ability to offer the best possible courses and study programmes. This course is evaluated as follows:

- Mid-semester evaluation and continuous evaluation/final evaluation

The results are processed by/in:

- teacher group
- head of studies
- local Committee for Study Quality


Updated May 14th 2014

Leonardo Gómez Torrego (siste utg. 2011) Gramática didactica del español, Editorial SM, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-675-4135-9

Leonardo Gómez Torrego (siste utg. 2011) Análisis sintáctico, Ediciones SM, Madrid.

Ruiz Rufino, Maximino J. (2011): 50 nueces de lengua y unas notas de gramática. Unipub.
ISBN 978-82-7477-526-

Gramática de uso del Español. B1-B2, Grupo SM, ISBN-10: 8467521082,
ISBN-13: 978-8467521085

Additional recommended literature

Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik & Petr Pitloun (2007) Gyldendal spanske lommegrammatikk, Gyldendal, Oslo.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:51 AM