SFS10402 International and Comparative Politics (Spring 2015)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Compulsory course in political science Science, one-year programme
  • Specialisation course in the Bachelor Programme in Business Administration, specialisation in Political Science
  • Part of the component worth 60 ECTS credits that can make up the Bachelor Programme in Society, Language and Culture

Lecture Semester

  • Political Science, one-year programme: semester 2 (spring)
  • Bachelor Programme in Business Administration, specialisation in Political Science: semester 6 (spring)
  • Bachelor Programme in Society, Language and Culture: semester 2, 4 or 6 (spring).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The students have knowledge of globalisation, Norway's relationship with Europe and the EU, theories and concepts in international politics, international organisations, global collective action, national foreign policy, conflict and conflict resolution, and international political economics.

The students can reflect on key political science issues.

The students have achieved general analytical competence in different theoretical schools of thinking through their studies of international politics.


Some of the key topics are: globalisation, EU, theories and concepts in international politics, international organisations, global collective action, national foreign policy, conflict and conflict resolution with conflict and war in the Middle East as the theoretical and empirical background, and international political economics.

In the area of comparative politics, an introduction is given to the study of political parties, government power, and comparison of authoritarian regimes.

Forms of teaching and learning

Teaching is given in the form of lectures, and students are encouraged to work in groups and present draft assignments to each other.


Approximatly 420 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • A written assignment of 6-8 pages

Outlines for written assignments can be presented in student-led writing seminars.

Coursework requirements must be approved before students may sit the exam.


Individual written exam (4 hours)
No support materials permitted. Grading scale from A to F.

Course evaluation

The feedback we receive from our students plays a decisive role in our ability to offer the best possible courses and study programmes. This course is evaluated as follows:

- Mid-semester evaluation
- Continuous evaluation/final evaluation

The results are processed by/in:

- teacher group
- head of studies
- local Committee for Study Quality


Updated December 3rd 2013

International Politics
Mingst, Karen (2011): Essentials of International Relations. New York/ London: W.W. Norton & Co. 5th ed. (ca. 300 s.)

Hovi, Jon & Malnes, Raino (red.) (2010):Anarki, makt og normer. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag, 2. utgave. (ca 350 s.)

Østerud, Øyvind (2007) (4. utgave): Statsvitenskap - Innføring i politisk analyse. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (denne boka er pensumbok for hele statsvitenskapsstudiet)

I tillegg til disse tre bøkene utarbeides et kompendium i tilknytning til kurset som er å få kjøpt på Bokbiten, høyskolens bokhandel.

Det forutsettes at studentene har kjennskap til hovedpunktene i moderne verdenshistorie, f.eks. gjennom Lundestad, Geir (2010): Øst, Vest, Nord, Sør. Hovedlinjer i internasjonal politikk etter 1945. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 6. utgave

European Union:
Dag Harald Claes og Tor Egil Førland (2010): EU - mellomstatlig samarbeid og politisk system, 3. utg., Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk

I tillegg kommer Internett-dokumenter fra og om EU: Innføring i institusjoner, saksgang, viktige politikkområder, samt EØS-problemstillinger presentert på Regjeringen Europa-portal.

Comparative Politics
Calvert, Peter (2002): Comparative Politics: An Introduction, Longman

Det vil alltid være den siste utgaven av en bok som er pensum.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:50 AM