SFB50814 Marketing Communication (Autumn 2015)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Bjørg Hellum
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the Bachelor's Programme in International Communication.


The course builds on previous knowledge from the two courses in professional communication in the first year of study, or on equivalent English communication skills.

Lecture Semester

3rd semester (autumn).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The candidates have acquired knowledge of written marketing communication, in particular the linguistic, pragmatic and cultural factors that are the prerequisites of effective marketing communication. They are familiar with theories for analysing situation and target group, as well as adapting the communication to function and recipient.

The candidates are able to produce effective, functional texts and translations in Norwegian and English in the field of marketing communication, with a focus on analysing situation and target group and adapting to function and recipient. Equivalence and functionality are important, and the candidates have sound practice in understanding the meaning of a text and finding adequate and functional solutions to retaining the meaning of the source text.

General competence
The candidates have achieved general competence in written marketing communication, including translation, with a view to necessary qualifications for communicators who use both English and Norwegian as their working language. They have also acquired a professional and ethical attitude to marketing communication.


  • Differences between Norwegian and English language use
  • English for specific purposes (ESP): marketing communication
  • Using sources and language tools
  • Functional translation with function and problem analysis, as theory and method
  • Translating between Norwegian and English in the field of marketing and advertising
  • Analysing and writing marketing and advertising texts

Forms of teaching and learning

Seminars with active student participation: analysing, discussing, writing, translating, and assessing their own texts and those of fellow students. The course is taught in English but several of the source texts are in Norwegian.


Total workload: approx. 280 hours.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Four texts, specified in the semester plan, are to be submitted for approval within given deadlines.

The coursework must be approved before a student may register for the final examination.


Individual portfolio assessment
The portfolio comprises two individually produced texts: a funcional translation and a free text. Assessment is given on the A-F grading scale.

If the portfolio is given a fail, it may be improved and resubmitted.

If students wish to improve their grade, they have to submit a new portfolio at a new regular exam.

In the case of an appeal about the assessment, the entire portfolio is subject to new assessment.

Course evaluation

The course is evaluated by the students twice each semester. The evaluations are discussed in the faculty committee for study quality.


Hellum, Bjørg (2014). Marketing Communication, texts and contexts. Compendium, local print.

Hellum, Bjørg (2013). Functional Translation: Theory and Practice. Compendium, local print. 

Lectures and other course material posted on Fronter

Text collection: Advertising and Culture. Local print.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:44 AM