SFE10410 English: Grammar and Phonetics (Spring 2011)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the one-year English programme, may be taken as part of the optional 60 ECTS credits in the bachelor programme Society, Language and Culture.


The course builds on SFE10209 Language and Communication (15 ECTS), or equivalent qualifications.

Lecture Semester

Spring 2011

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

At completion of the course the students will have further developed their

  • knowledge of English grammar
  • knowledge of English phonetics
  • awareness of their own language use
  • practical skills

The students will know and be able to use the terminology needed to describe and analyse English language. They will have detailed knowledge of the structure of the written language from word level to phrases, sentences and longer texts. Further, they will know and be able to use correct terminology to describe and analyse English pronunciation, and apply phonemic transcription as well as intonation transcription. They will also have learned to pronounce English in a way that does not show a very discernible mother tongue accent.


  • Grammar
  • Phonetics with intonation
  • Language proficiency

The course teaches grammatical and phonetic morphology. Examples of central issues that are part of the grammar instruction are: phrase structure, types of sentences, sentence analysis, verb forms and word order. The purpose is to show the connection between grammatical form and meaning, and Norwegian and English are compared for increased awareness of the differences between the two languages.

In the phonetics part the students learn to use the correct terminology to describe and analyse English pronunciation. Practical exercises are part of the course. Two variants of English are taught: Received Pronunciation (British English) and General American.

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is taught as lectures, seminars and group lessons, also involving language practice in the language lab. The students are expected to participate actively.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Three mandatory papers handed in at given deadlines and approved before a student may take the final exam.


A 5-hour individual written exam
The content of the exam is grammar including language proficiency (60%) and phonetics (40%). Both parts have to be passed. No aids permitted.

Marks are given on the A-F grading scale.


  • Nilsen, T. S. (2010), British and American English Pronunciation. Universitetsforlaget
  • Jones, D. (2005, 17th ed.), English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge UP
  • Dypedahl, M., H. Hasselgård & B. Løken (2006), Introducing English Grammar. Fagbokforlaget
  • Løken, B., Compendium: Grammar. Local print

Additionallly, all material handed out in class or published on the learning platform Fronter.

All students must have an English-English dictionary such as Collins Cobuild Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, or another learner’s dictionary for non-native users of English.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:23 AM