SFT20210 German in Contrast (Autumn 2010)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leaders:
  • Frode Lundemo
  • Kåre Solfjeld
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

The course belongs to the 90 ECTS German extension programme, and may be part of the optional module in the bachelor programme Society Language and Culture.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2010


Chosen grammatical aspects are dealt with in text writing advised by the course instructor and commented afterwards in class. The main aspects of German language history are introduced. In the written proficiency part the main activity is functional translation from German into Norwegian and Norwegian into German. 

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is organised as seminar teaching with a high degree of practical work with language and texts and exercises related to the course reading.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



Assessment is based on two partial exams

Partial exam 1:
Written exam, 4 hours (50%)

Written proficiency is tested through one translation from Norwegian into German and one translation from German into Norwegian. No aids permitted.

Partial exam 2:
Portfolio (50%)

Portfolio with four contributions (grammar) written during the semester and submitted by given deadlines. Two of the contributions may be project or group work.

One final mark is given on the A-F grading scale. Both partial exams will have to be passed. In the case of a fail in one of the exams only the actual partial exam has to be retaken.


Literature concerning the topics conjunctive, valence and sentence structure, nominalisation and participle constructions, and sentence part order is made available.

Written proficiency:
Texts for practice purposes are available.

  • Magnusson,Gunnar/Solfjeld, Kåre: Fra tysk til norsk. Oversettelsesproblemer I sakprosatekster. Trondheim: Tapir, 1987
  • Solfjeld, Kåre: Om autentiske oversettelser i undervisningen. In Språk og marked Vol. 24, HiØ Halden, 2001
  • Solfjeld, Kåre: Zum Thema authentische Übersetzungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Überlegungen, augehend von Sachprosaübersetzungen Deusch-Norwegish. In InfoDaF 29/6, 2002, p. 489-504
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:17 AM