SFT11608 German Literature and Culture (Autumn 2010)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the one-year German programme. May be taken as part of the optional 60 ECTS module in the bachelor programme Society, Language and Culture.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2010


The course introduces literary terminology and work methods. The course comprises literature from German-language countries after 1945, elucidating it within a framework of political history, culture and literary history. An introduction to the University College library is given, making the students familiar with catalogues, encyclopaedias, databases, literary search and criticism of sources.

The literature part focuses on newer German-language literature including literature for children and adolescents. The role of literary didactics in foreign language teaching is one of the themes.

The teaching of literature and culture is chronologically coordinated so that the texts illuminate central events or phenomena in the target countries. The time span is from 1945 until today. Social science issues are included with topics from geography, the political system, economic and social structures, and the school system.

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is taught as lectures ad seminars. Course material and information is digitally distributed. The course focuses on enhancing reading proficiency and the students’ analytical skills, and on making the students aware of cultural similarities and differences through student-active learning using both library and ICT resources.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



Portfolio assessment
The assessment is based on a portfolio with texts the student has written during the semester. The portfolio contains three contributions, two smaller assignments (1 to 2 pages of text) and one more extensive text of 4-5 pages.

The texts should have line spacing 1 ½ and use correct referencing and notes. They should be submitted at given deadlines. The students are given individual advice during their work with the portfolio. More information on the assignments is given in class.

The assessment takes into consideration text comprehension, independence, level of knowledge and formulating skills. The A-F grading scale is used.

The students may also be called in for a talk about the portfolio. This conversation will last for about 30 minutes and may adjust the written result by one step up or down on the scale.



  • Askan, Katrin: Aus dem Schneider. BVT Berliner Taschenbuch Verlag Bd. 76008.
  • Borchert, Wolfgang: Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch. K.
  • Dürrenmatt, Friedrich: Romulus der Grosse. Eine ungeschichtliche historische Komödie in vier Akten. Diogenes Taschenbücher No. 23042.
  • Eich, Günter: Inventur. K.
  • Fried, Erich: Gespräch über Bäume. K.
  • Hermann, Judith: Sommerhaus, später. Erzählungen. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 14770. The following stories: “Rote Korallen”, “Sonja” and “Sommerhaus, später”.
  • Jandl, Ernst: ottos mops (K), schtzngrmm (K), falamaleikum (K), auf dem land (K)
  • Kunert, Günter: Über einige Davongekommene. K.
  • Steinhöfel, Andreas: Beschützer der Diebe. Dtv Junior, dtv Taschenbücher Bd. 70411
  • Vestli, Elin Nesje/Langemeyer, Peter: Deutschsprachige Nachkriegsliteratur von Wolfgang Borchert bis Judith Hermann (Compendium, local print).

The shorter texts (K) are gathered in a text collection to be bought with the compendium.


  • Müller, Helmut M: Deutsche Geschichte in Schlaglichtern. Leipzig 2004 (or other ed.) Parts of the book is required reading.
  • Schmid, Gerhard Friedrich: Kleine Deutschlandkunde. Ein erdkundlicher Überblick. Stuttgart, 1996 (or later ed.)

Additionally, material published on the digital learning platform.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:17 AM