SFT11507 German Language I (Autumn 2010)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Kåre Solfjeld
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course in the one-year German programme. May be taken as part of the 60 ECTS optional module in the bachelor programme in Society, Language and Culture.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2010


The course has three parts:

a)     Grammar I
b)    Written proficiency
c)     Phonetics and regional variety

Grammar 1:
Basic aspects of the German language system with special focus on morphology.

Written proficiency:
Norwegian and German are contrasted on a practical level with great emphasis on basic standard-language grammar, in particular morphology and practical syntax. The aim is to achieve functional usage.

Phonetics and regional variety:
This part comprises an articulatory description of the individual German standard sounds as well as those phonetic phenomena that are most problematic to Norwegian learners of German. Practical examples of regional varieties are presented.

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is taught as seminars based on active contributions from the students in the form of participation in project and group assignments using e.g. wiki technology. Practices in phonetics take place in the language lab.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



Portfolio and written exam

Two individual contributions handed in by given deadlines.

A 5-hour written exam:
The candidate’s knowledge of grammar, phonetics and written proficiency is tested. A number of questions are given to have the students show that they are familiar with and can account for the grammar syllabus. There are also 6-8 questions from the theoretical reading. Written proficiency is tested through a short translation of unknown text from Norwegian into German, asking the student to comment on particular contrastive phenomena. No aids permitted.

One mark is given for both parts, where the written examination is the primary basis for the mark and the portfolio is used to adjust the result (no more than one step up or down) on a grading scale from A to F.


Grammar I and written proficiency

Reiten, Håvard: Tysk grammatikk. Oslo: Aschehoug 1995. Pp 7-23, 25-143, 187-232, 259-266 and 267-271


Lundemo, Frode; Deutshce Phonetik. Local print, latest ed.

Additionally, a practical phonetics course.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:17 AM