SFB51009 Professional Communication I (Autumn 2010)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leaders:
  • Kim Servant
  • Henrik Bøhn
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

  • Mandatory course in the bachelor programme International Communication
  • Specialisation course in the degree programme Business Administration, specialisation International Communication
  • Optional course in the degree programme Information Systems and IT Management

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2010


The oral part of the course introduces different forms of oral business communication, such as informative and persuasive presentations. Business communication is placed in a cultural context, thus the course also includes examples of modern English-language fiction. Proficiency training is in focus and all the students give presentations in seminars. There are also discussions of fiction, and case studies are performed focusing on argumentation and problem solving.

The written part of the course teaches various forms of written English and relevant terminology. The students are introduced to general text production and linguistic structures, including basic syntactic analysis. Keywords are: text structure, coherence, style and level, and loyalty to the reader. Reference technique and critical use of sources are important elements of the course.

Forms of teaching and learning

Lectures and group work. The language used is English.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Two oral presentations
  • Mandatory library instruction
  • A minimum of 80% attendance in the oral part of the course. For exemption to be granted from this requirement, a written application must be submitted stating the reasons for failure of attendance.

Coursework has to be submitted and approved before a student may take the final exam.


Portfolio assessment and oral examination
The exam is made up of a portfolio containing three individual written texts, and an individual oral examination lasting approx. 25 minutes. No aids are permitted during the oral examination.

The portfolio must be graded as passed before the student can sit for the oral examination. The oral exam may adjust the written result one step up or down on the A-F grading scale. In the case of a fail in the portfolio part the student may submit an improved portfolio at the next re-sit exam. 

If a student wishes to improve the initial result both components must be retaken.



  • Locker, K & S Kaczmarek (2007). Business Communication: Building Critical Skills. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill
  • Elton, B (2002). Dead Famous. London: Black Swan
  • Compendium
  • Course material published on the learning platform Fronter
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:14 AM