SFT11907 German: Didactics (including teaching experience) (Spring 2009)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Kåre Solfjeld
½ year

Lecture Semester

Spring 2009


The course is mainly organised as seminars where various approaches and methods in foreign language teaching are presented and discussed. Relevant resources are presented, such as the Norwegian Centre for Foreign Languages in Education (located at ØstfoldCollege

Forms of teaching and learning

Seminars and exercises. Student-active learning is in focus and library and ICT resources are used.

Practical training/internship

A practice period in a school is integrated in the course.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

No coursework requirements.


Individual project report (approx. 10 pages with 1 ½ line spacing, illustrations are welcome additionally) with references and correct use of notes. More information will be given in class. Assessment on the A-F grading scale.


Språk åpner dører, Strategi for fremmedspråk i grunnopplæringen. Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet. 2006.

Læreplaner for fremmedspråk 2006 (www.utdanningsdirektoratet.no).

LIGHTBOWN, Patsy/SPADA, Nina: How languages are learned: Kapitlene 1, 2 og 3, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

KRUMM, Hans-Jürgen: Sprachenvielfalt im Deutschunterricht. Grundsätze und Beispiele, i: Fremdsprache Deutsch 2/1999, s. 26-40.

BERGER, Maria Cristina/COLUCCI, Alfredo: Übungsvorschläge für »Deutsch nach Englisch«, i: Fremdsprache Deutsch 2/1999, s. 22-25.

KILANI, Barbara: Arbeit mit Sprechkarten. Zur Verbesserung von Sprechbereitschaft und Sprechferigkeit, i: Fremdsprache Deutsch 15, s. 32-34.

HUFEISEN, Britta/PROKOP, Manfred: Ideenkiste. »Unterrichtskonzepte« für die ersten Stunden und Wochen Deutschunterricht, i: Fremdsprache Deutsch 2/1995, s. 50-51.

KOPPENSTEINER, Jürgen: Literatur im DaF-Unterricht. Eine Einführung in produktiv-kreative Techniken. Wien: öbv & htp, 2001 (kap. 1, 3, 4 og 5).

Et utvalg nettressurser, f. eks.
Kocherts Kinderseiten (www.kocherts.de),
Lernnetz (www. lerndeutsch.com),
Reiseführer zu den schönsten Kinderseiten (www.familie-hauenstein.de/links/kinder/star.htm).

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:13 AM