SFE11408 English: Grammar and Phonetics with Didactics (Spring 2009)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Berit Løken
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Compulsory in the one-year English programme as part of the education programme, and in the 30 ECTS module English 1.


The course builds on SFE11208 Language and Communication with Didactics.

Lecture Semester

Spring 2009


  • Grammar and phonetics with intonation
  • Didactics of English


Examples of central issues that are part of the grammar instruction are: phrase structure, types of sentences, sentence analysis, verb forms and concord. The purpose is to show the relationship between grammatical form and meaning, and Norwegian and English are compared for increased awareness of the differences between the two languages.

In the phonetics part students learn to use the correct terminology to describe and analyse English pronunciation. Two variants of English are taught: Received Pronunciation (British English) and General American.


In didactics the main focus is on stimulating and developing students' language awareness by working with pupils' texts and by acquiring insight in language differences. Different forms of assessment will be discussed. A further central aspect is analysing and judging teaching material such as coursebooks, dictionaries and ICT software. Knowledge of and skills in planning, giving reasons for, implementing and assessing English instruction will be further developed and linked to the teacher's role as language model and facilitator as well as to knowledge of learning strategies, learning styles and learning environments.


Two weeks of the spring semester are taught at The Norwegian Study Centre in York.

Forms of teaching and learning

Lectures, seminars and groups. Language lab. Students are expected to participate actively in discussions and group tasks. The language of instruction is English.

Practical training/internship

Work placement is an integrated part of the programme and is carried out in close cooperation between the student, the placement supervisor and the course instructor. The work placement period is normally three weeks in the spring semester.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Two 'progress tests'
  • Related to a topic of their own choosing (approved by the course instructor) the students will develop, carry out and assess a teaching plan and present it to their co-students.

All coursework must be approved before a student may sign up for the final examination.


A 5-hour written examination and an oral examination.


The written examination includes grammar (60%) and phonetics (40%), and both parts must receive a pass.

The oral examination of approx. 25 minutes focuses on didactics and may adjust the final result by one step up or down on the A-F scale. One mark is given for both examinations. No aids permitted.


  • Nilsen, T S (1996), British and American English Pronunciation. Universitetsforlaget.
  • Bird, B (1997), A Course in English Intonation. Universitetsforlaget.
  • Jones, D (2005, 17th ed.), English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge
  • Orten, J, Materials for Phonetics. Compendium, local print.
  • Dypedahl, M, H Hasselgård & B Løken (2006), Introducing English Grammar. Fagbokforlaget.
  • Dypedahl, M, Grammar. Compendium, local print.
  • Bøhn et al, Fagdidaktikk. Compendium, local print.
  • Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet (2006): Kunnskapsløftet: Læreplaner for gjennomgående fag i grunnskolen og videregående opplæring.
  • Relevant material from The European Council


All students must have an English-English dictionary such as Collins Cobuild Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, or another learner's dictionary for non-native users of English.


Supplementary literature in English didactics:

  • Bakke, B & N Millar (2000), IKT - også DET! NKS-Forlaget.                 
  • Bautz, M (1984), Better English in the Classroom. NKS-Forlaget/Pensumtjenesten.
  • Halliwell, S (1992), Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Longman.          
  • Harmer, J (3rd ed. 2001), The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman.
  • Korsvold, A K (2000), Engelsk i 10c. Universitetsforlaget.
  • Pinter, A (2006), Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford
  • Scott, W A & L H Ytreberg (1990), Teaching English to Children. Longman
  • Ytreberg, L H (1993), Engelsk i grunnskolen, En fagdidaktisk introduksjon. Tano.  
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:13 AM