SFB52407 Bachelor Dissertation with Internship, Public Relations (Spring 2009)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Bjørg Hellum
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Specialisation in the bachelor programme International Communication (6th semester).


A necessary prerequisite for the dissertation and internship part of the 30 ECTS specialisation course is SFB52207 Public Relations in the 5th semester. SFB52407 is studied in conjunction with that first half of the specialisation.

Lecture Semester

Spring 2009


  • Internship in a communication function in a firm/organisation with extensive international activities.
  • Writing a bachelor dissertation with the point of departure in the internship organisation and the internship activities, based on theory learnt in the 5th semester of the specialisation.

Forms of teaching and learning

The students complete a 3-month full-time internship in January-April, in a communication function in a firm/organisation with extensive international activities. As far as possible they will participate in day-to-day work as well as in strategic communication planning. English as well as Norwegian will most probably be used daily in the internship period.


Parallel with and in the month after the internship period the students write the dissertation under supervision. The dissertation takes its research questions from issues related to the internship or the internship organisation and is based on theory from the first part of the specialisation: SFB52207 Public Relations (15 ECTS). Each student has a right to 5 hours of individual tutorials. The language of the dissertation is English.

Practical training/internship

Approximately 3 months of full-time internship in the spring semester, in a communication department or function in an organisation/firm with international activities.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Completion of internship

The coursework requirement must be fulfilled before submitting the dissertation for assessment.


Individual bachelor dissertation of approx. 10,000 words, written in English. Additionally, an oral examination discussing the dissertation. The oral examination may adjust the final result one step up or down on the A-F grading scale.


Special reading may be needed depending on the topic of the dissertation. Other course reading is the literature (coursebooks and handouts) listed for SFB52207 Public Relations.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:12 AM