SFB52307 Bachelorthesis Norway in a European Perspective (Spring 2009)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Jacky Billeau
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Specialisation course in the bachelor programme International Communication (6th semester).


The dissertation builds on knowledge acquired in the first two and a half years of study. The bachelor dissertation part makes up one half of the 30 ECTS specialisation and must be studied in conjunction with SFB521/07 Norway from a European Perspective.

Lecture Semester

Spring 2009


Bachelor dissertation supervised individually. The dissertation will discuss various connections between Norway and the EU countries, amoung other things issues related to communication.
The choice of language for the dissertation is either Norwegian or English.

Forms of teaching and learning

Seminars and individual tutorials. Active use of ICT tools. A regional perspective is secured among other things by inviting guest lecturers from Norwegian firms and organisations that have a strong European involvement.

Practical training/internship


Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



Individual bachelor dissertation of approx. 10,000 words, in either Norwegian or English. Additionally, an oral examination that may adjust the final result one step up or down on the A-F grading scale.


The choice of literature will depend on the choice of topic for the dissertation.

Data collection such as interviews and surveys.

The following electronic documentation will be relevant:

  • Europa.eu.int
  • Europakommisjonen.no
  • Europaveien.no
  • Regjeringen.no - Europaportalen
  • EIC.no / Euro info centre
  • Interreg.no

Information on other relevant literature will be given if /when needed.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:11 AM