SFT11608 German Literature and Culture (Autumn 2009)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Obligatory course in the one-year German programme / German in the education programme (1st semester).

Optional course in the bachelor programme Society, Language and Culture (1st, 3rd or 5th semester) and in the four-year education programme (5th or 7th semester).


The course builds on basic knowledge of German.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2009


The German literature part of the course focuses on modern literature, including child and youth literature. The role of didactics in language teaching is discussed. The culture and literature parts are coordinated chronologically so that the texts illuminate central events or phenomena in the target language countries. The period studied is 1945 until today with aspects from political history, cultural history and the history of literature.

Forms of teaching and learning

Block seminars in the introduction part; otherwise: seminars, exercises and presentations.  Student-active learning is emphasised and library and ICT resources are used.

Practical training/internship


Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



Final assessment is based on a portfolio containing contributions submitted in the course of the semester. Students may be invited for an oral exam about the portfolio.

The contributions comprise two shorter papers (1-2 pages) and one more extensive contribution (4-5 pages), typed (1 ½ line spacing) with bibliography, references and correct use of notes. The papers are to be submitted at given deadlines. Students are given individual supervision. More information on the assignments will be given by the course instructor.


The assessment takes into consideration: textual comprehension, independence, level of knowledge, and formulation skills. The A-F grading scale is used.


Literature part of the course:

  • Askan, Katrin: Aus dem Schneider. BVT Berliner Taschenbuch Verlag Bd. 76008.
  • Borchert, Wolfgang: Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch. K.
  • Dürrenmatt, Friedrich: Romulus der Grosse. Eine ungeschichtliche historische Komödie in vier Akten. Diogenes Taschenbücher No. 23042.
  • Eich, Günter: Inventur. K.
  • Fried, Erich: Gespräch über Bäume. K.
  • Hermann, Judith: Sommerhaus, später. Erzählungen. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 14770. The following stories: “Rote Korallen”, “Sonja” and “Sommerhaus, später”.
  • Jandl, Ernst: ottos mops (K), schtzngrmm (K), falamaleikum (K), auf dem land (K)
  • Kunert, Günter: Über einige Davongekommene. K.
  • Steinhöfel, Andreas: Beschützer der Diebe. Dtv Junior, dtv Taschenbücher Bd. 70411, 1996 dtv, ISBN 3-423-70411-X.
  • Langemeyer, Peter og Vestli, Elin Nesje: Deutschsprachige Nachkriegsliteratur von Wolfgang Borchert bis Judith Hermann. The shorter textx (K) are found in a text collection that can be bought with the compendium.


  • Sauer, Fritz Joachim (ed.): Länderkunde. Berlin. Latest ed. Selected chapters.
  • Documents made available on Blackboard.
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:09 AM