SFT20208 German in Contrast (Autumn 2008)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Kåre Solfjeld
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

The course is part of the German extension module (altogether 90 ECTS credits) that is an optional module in the bachelor programme Society, Language and Culture (3rd or 5th semester).

Obligatory in the extension module in German (3rd semester).


The one-year German programme, or equivalent knowledge of German.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2008


Grammar: Selected topics are dealt with through process writing with facilitation, and through feedback and discussion in class.


Written proficiency is enhanced by a) translating from Norwegian into German, b) translating from German into Norwegian, c) correcting errors.

Forms of teaching and learning

Lectures and exercises.

Practical training/internship


Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam



A 4-hour written examination in written proficiency, and four papers dealing with grammar.


The following issues are dealt with at the written examination:

a) translation from Norwegian into German, b) translation from German into Norwegian, c) error correction.

The four grammar papers have been submitted at given deadlines during the course. Two are group work.


Final assessment is given as a joint mark for all the components, using the A-F grading scale. In the case of a fail all the components must be resubmitted/re-examined.


Relevant literature will be provided for the grammar topics conjunctive, valency and sentence structure, nominalisation and participle constructions, and subordinate clauses.


Written proficiency:
Magnusson, Gunnar & Kåre Solfjeld (1987). Fra tysk til norsk. Oversettelsesproblemer i sakprosatekster. Trondheim: Tapir.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:06 AM