SFT11008 German: Oral German and Digital Tools (Autumn 2008)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Steinar Nybøle
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Obligatory in the one-year programme in German / German in the education programme (1st semester).

Obligatory for students who have chosen German as their second foreign language in the degree programme International Communication (5th semester).

Optional course in the degree programme Society, Language and Culture (1st, 3rd or 5th semester).

Optional in the four-year education programme (5th or 7th semester).


None, but a basic knowledge of German is recommended.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2008


The main focus of the course is understanding and producing oral texts, and digital tools are introduced and used throughout the practices. There is a particular focus on vocabulary, morphology, syntax and pronunciation, and text comprehension of oral and written texts as well as production of oral texts are practiced in the language lab. Intercultural communication is an important aspect of the course with a starting point in texts that are to be adapted to different communication partners and situations. Dialogue is practiced in groups.

Forms of teaching and learning

Practices in the language lab and multimedia room.

Practical training/internship


Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

A digital assignment has to be submitted by the given deadline before a student may take the final examination.


Portfolio assessment. The portfolio consists of three oral contributions that have been submitted at given deadlines. The result is given on the A-F scale.


  • Two German-language films (DVD) and two German-language TV or radio programs such as news broadcasts, talkshows, etc.
  • Nybøle, R Steinar & Kåre Solfjeld, Wenn jemand eine Reise tut, so kann er/sie was erzählen. Begleitheft. Local print, latest ed.
  • Course in phonetics
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:05 AM