SFE11208 English: Language and Communication with Didactics (Autumn 2008)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences
Course Leader:
Karen P. Knutsen
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Compulsory in the one-year English programme included in the education programme, and in the 30 ECTS module English I (1st semester).


General requirements for entry to higher education, or equivalent knowledge of English.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2008


The oral part of the course gives insight into different forms of oral communication such as formal and informal conversations and different types of presentations. Presentation is practised in seminars and groups. An introduction is given to phonetics and intonation, emphasising practical skills. As it is important to see communication in a cultural context, the course also includes examples of modern English-language fiction, and the literature is discussed with a view to argumentation and problem solving.


The written part comprises text strategies and the writing of longer texts. Important key words are text cohesion, paragraphing, genres, and linguistic strategies and style. Linguistic structures, including an introduction to grammatical terminology and syntactic analysis, are also taught. Students are also given library instruction in how to search, judge, use and refer to sources.


An introduction is given to the competence areas 'language learning' and 'communication' in the national curriculum for English in compulsory school. Learning strategies, learning styles and learning environments are practised and discussed through different types of tasks and collaboration. A central aspect is planning, giving reasons for, carrying out and assessing English teaching in accordance with the intention of the national curriculum. The teacher's role as language model and facilitator is in focus.


The introduction course in general linguistics discusses various aspects of the concept of 'language' such as language sounds, the formation of words and sentences, the relationship between words and meaning, language families, and the development of language.

Forms of teaching and learning

Lectures, seminars and groups. The language of instruction is English, with the exception of the introduction course in general linguistics, which is taught in Norwegian.

Practical training/internship

Work placement is integrated in the study programme and is carried out in close cooperation between student, work placement supervisor, and course instructor. The placement period in the autumn semester of English in the education curriculum is normally five days (ten days for students who only take English I).

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Two oral presentations
  • Compulsory attendance at the library instruction and the instruction in didactics (a minimum of 80% attendance is required). Failure of complying with the attendance requirement means a student has to submit a written application to be exempt, stating reasons for non-attendance.
  • The introduction course in general linguistics including a web-based test.
  • A work placement log documenting the work process of the student, submitted by the deadline given in the semester plan and approved by the course instructor.

All coursework must be approved within the set deadlines before a student may sign up for the final examination.


Portfolio assessment and oral examination.


A portfolio with three written contributions is to be submitted. One of the contributions is a work placement report written in English, with its point of departure in a didactic focus area of the student's own choice and with reflections on experiences based on theory from the course reading. A report from the supervising teacher is also to be included. Students who are not having work placement write a didactic paper with theoretical support in the course literature.


The portfolio is supplemented by an oral examination of approx. 25 minutes that may adjust the final mark one step up or down the A-F grading scale. Both the portfolio and the oral examination must receive passing marks for the final result to be a pass.

No aids are permitted at the oral examination.


  • Bøhn, H et al., Language and Communication. Compendium, local print.
  • Elton, B (2002), Dead Famous. Black Swan.
  • Griffith, K, Writing essays about Literature: A Guide and Style Sheet. Harcourt Brace.
  • Gibaldi, J, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
  • Drew, I & B Sørheim (2004), English Teaching Strategies - Methods for English Teachers of 10 to 16 year olds. Det Norske Samlaget.
  • Bøhn et al., Fagdidaktikk. Compendium, local print.
  • Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet (2006), Kunnskapsløftet: Læreplaner for gjennomgående fag i grunnskolen og videregående opplæring.
  • Relevant material from the European Council
  • Uri, H (2004), Hva er språk? Universitetsforlaget. Used in the introduction to general linguistics.

Other relevant material will be handed out in the course.


All students must have an English-English dictionary such as Collins Cobuild Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, or another learner's dictionary for non-native users of English.


Supplementary literature in didactics of English language teaching:

  • Bakke, B & N Millar (2000), IKT - også DET! NKS-Forlaget.
  • Bautz, M (1984), Better English in the Classroom. NKS-Forlaget/Pensumtjenesten.
  • Halliwell, S (1992), Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Longman.
  • Harmer, J (2001), The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman. 3rd ed.
  • Korsvold, A K (2000), Engelsk i href="http://www.hiof.no/neted/admin/0c. Universitetsforlaget.
  • Pinter, A (2006), Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford
  • Scott, W A & L H Ytreberg (1990), Teaching English to Children. Longman.
  • Ytreberg, L H (1993), Engelsk i grunnskolen. En fagdidaktisk introduksjon. Tano.
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:31:04 AM