ITM10610 Text Analysis (Spring 2015)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science
Course Leader:
Monica Kristiansen Holone
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

The course is compulsory and is included in the Bachelor Programme in Digital Media Production.

Lecture Semester

Semester 2 (spring).

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


The students have:

  • gained perspectives for close analysis of film that can be transferred to analysis of other media content
  • based their analyses on film theory and film history
  • knowledge of different traditions in close analysis of film


The students can:

  • articulate and discuss issues in film theory
  • use analytical tools and methods that meet requirements for close analysis and coursework requirements in the course
  • choose relevant sources as a theoretical basis for analysis

General competence

On completion of the course, the students can conduct a close analysis of film and be able to transfer this knowledge to analyses of other media content. By presenting and analyzing film extracts, the students are able to identify dramaturgical devices, styles and themes and to discuss the purpose and effect of the devices in terms of the theme.


The students gain perspectives that are necessary for analyzing different types of media content. They will receive training in how to apply their knowledge by analyzing films. The course will impart knowledge and skills in the close analysis of film by showing film extracts, lectures and a combination of individual assignments and group exercises.

The course will focus on:

  • Analysis: theory and method
  • Analysis: practical exercises
  • Sample analyses

Forms of teaching and learning

Seminars, lectures and individual assignments. Working methods will be practical and independent.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The students must submit a compulsory analysis assignment (2,500 words) that meet the requirements for a close analysis of film. The course instructor will set the submission deadline at the start of the semester.

Students whose submissions are not approved will be given a new deadline for resubmitting their assignments. The students are personally responsible for ensuring that assignments are submitted correctly and on time.

The coursework requirements must be approved before students may sit the exam.


Home exam

Written individual home exam. Duration: 1 week. Letter grading scale A?F.

Course evaluation

This course is evaluated as follows:

  • Mid-semester evaluation (optional)
  • Final evaluation (compulsory)

The course instructor prepares a course report on the basis of student feedback and on his/her own experiences of the course. Course reports are discussed with the Committee for Study Quality at the Faculty of Computer Sciences.


Updated 18. December 2014.

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Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:30:35 AM