ITM30812 Fiction film (Autumn 2014)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science
Course Leader:
Bjørn Fast Nagell
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

This course is compulsory for students taking the Bachelor Programme in Digital Media Production (year group 2014).

This course is elective for students taking the Bachelor Programme in Digital Media Production (year groups 2012 and 2013).


Knowledge equivalent to the course in Video is required.

Lecture Semester

Bachelor Programme in Digital Media Production (year group 2014), semester 4 (autumn)
Bachelor Programme in Digital Media Production (year group 2013), semester 6 (spring)
Bachelor Programme in Digital Media Production (year group 2012), semester 5 (autumn)

Total workload:

6 hours of lectures and tutorials per week.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


On completion of the course, the students can explain fiction film narrative techniques and genres


On completion of the course, the students can conceive an idea for, plan and undertake production of a fiction film

General competence

On completion of the course, the students understand how fiction film communicates and have gained an understanding of how they fill the role of a film director.


  • Genre
  • Ideas
  • Research
  • Roles
  • Production
  • Recording
  • Post-production
  • Distribution

Forms of teaching and learning

Seminars, lectures and individual assignments. Working methods will be practical and independent.


Portfolio exam and oral exam in groups.

Portfolio exam

The portfolio consists of the following components:

  • A short film from idea to final product, screening and distribution. Each student must play key roles in the different phases of the production, including responsibility for photography and direction. Film production depends on teamwork as well as on individual creativity, initiative and engagement. The course instructor will act as the creative producer and will closely monitor the production process. The working methods should demonstrate the students' ability and willingness to work collaboratively and independently.
  • Three individual assignments related to working on a short film to be submitted by the given deadlines.
  • A detailed log containing reflections on working on a short film and on the academic content of the course.

Provisional individual grades are awarded for portfolio submissions, based on a grading scale of A- F. Students must achieve a pass grade before they may take the oral exam.

Oral exam in groups

Oral exam/portfolio review in groups. Duration: approximately 20?30 minutes.
No support materials permitted.

The oral exam may adjust provisional individual grades awarded to portfolios by two grades up or down on the grading scale.

A final overall individual grade for the course is awarded on the basis of a grading scale of A-F.

Students must retake both exam components in the case of resit exams. Resit exams and rescheduled exams must be taken in conjunction with the next ordinary course.

Course evaluation

This course is evaluated as follows:

  • Mid-semester evaluation (optional)
  • Final evaluation (compulsory)

The course instructor prepares a course report on the basis of student feedback and on his/her own experiences of the course. Course reports are discussed with the Committee for Study Quality at the Faculty of Computer Sciences.


Lectures with selected texts.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:30:28 AM