IRM34513 Advanced Materials (Autumn 2017)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics
Course Leader:
Litian Wang
Teaching language:
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Optional course in Bachelor of Engineering, study programmes:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial Design


The student must have passed the following first-year topics:


Mathematics 1, Materials Engineering and Manufacturing Techniques, and Physics/Chemistry


Mathematics 1 and Physics and Materials Engineering

or equivalent

Lecture Semester

5th Semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


 The student will have theoretical knowledge of:

  • Lightweight metal alloy construction materials
  • Plastics and composites
  • Nanomaterials


 The student:

  • Knows application areas for current materials
  • Evaluates material properties
  • Applies fundamental test methods to materials
  • Uses a materials database during the materials selection process

General Competencies:

The student:

  • Makes correct and safe decisions in choosing materials for various designs


Lightweight metal alloy construction materials

  • Aluminum and Al-based alloys
  • Titanium and Ti-based alloys
  • Production processes
  • Mechanical properties
  • Material choice - I:  Definitions for various sets of Material indices
  • Material choice - II: Screening and selection using material database Granta

 Polymeric materials

  • Crystalline and amorphous structures
  • Temperature regions
  • Glass transition temperature
  • Thermoplastics, thermosets, rubber, fiber
  • Manufacturing methods and areas of applications


  • Fiber-reinforced thermoset-matrix (FRP) composites
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Sandwich beam theory
  • Plate/shell theory, incl. shear deformations
  • Introduction to theory of laminates
  • Design of simple FRP composite parts


  • Polymeric and metallic nanomaterials
  • Colloidal stability
  • Properties of nanomaterials
  • Methods for characterizing nanomaterials
  • Areas of application

Also: The materials database 'Granta' - advanced level.

Forms of teaching and learning

The course is taught via

  • Lectures
  • Laboratory experiments
  • Submission of homework online
  • When possible, field trips / visits to companies

Course contents is deliveded mainly in English. Students build up a portfolio of projects that are graded pass/fail; they are allowed to bring their portfolio to the exam.


150 hours 

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Three projects
  • Laboratory notebook


The work requirements will be described in greater detail in the course plan.

The work requirements must be met before the students can take their exam.


One 4 hour individual written exam.

Students are allowed to bring any printed and handwritten matter, their dossiers, and a calculator.

Exams are graded on the A - F scale, where A is the best grade and F is a failing grade.


Course evaluation

The course delivery will be continuously evaluated throughout the semester. The evaluation method(s) will be set by agreement between students and faculty. There will be a written final evaluation of the course.


Ashby, Micheal (2010). Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 4th Ed., Elsevier,   ISBN-9781856176637


Compendia by Anna-Lena Kjøniksen and Litian Wang

Supporting Literature:

  • Lightweight alloy construction materials
  • Plastics and composites

Isaac M. Daniel, (2006), Engineering mechanics of composite materials, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press.

F. Irgens, (2006), Fasthetslære, 7th Ed., Tapir Forlag

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:30:09 AM