IRE31013 Project Welfare Technology (Autumn 2013)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Engineering
Course Leader:
Gunnar Andersson
Teaching language:
Norwegian combined with English (see 'Course structure and learning methods')
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Mandatory course for the bachelor programme in innovation and project management.
Optional course for all bachelor of engineering programmes.

Lecture Semester

5th semester (autumn)

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

Knowledge: The students have gained knowledge of the healthcare sector, and of product development as a systematic and integrated process

Skills: The students are able to participate in a product development process up to the final concept and prototypes related to the needs of the healthcare sector

General competence: The students understand product and prototype development as a practical activity with a clear scientific justification


Development of care and welfare technology is expected to be an important step in order to meet the upcoming challenges facing a society with an aging population, an altered clinical picture and a shortage of health care personnel.

The importance is underlined by the ongoing interaction reform that will require new products and solutions to achieve the goal of better coordination in the health care sector.

Part 1: Health and care
Focus is on the sector and the special needs and requirements required of new products and solutions. Particular emphasis is placed on a systemic approach to the sector and the interaction between the various actors in the sector.

  • Coordination reform and new technologies
  • Welfare technology in housing (allowing users to stay one year longer in their homes
  • Research projects and priorities in the region

Part 2: Project to development products, processes or services for care technology
This part provides insight into practical work and basic methods for developing new products and solutions based on the needs of the sector. Participation in a project to develop a new product or prototype related to welfare technology is central.

  • Identification of customer needs and product specifications
  • Concept generation, selection and testing
  • Prototyping with emphasis on function with advanced technology as a significant component

Forms of teaching and learning

The course aims to provide experience and knowledge of the processes related to product development with a focus on welfare technology. Students with different specializations are placed together in project teams so as to contribute to an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary project.

Tuition is based on a high degree of involvement from the students and will comprise introductions by lecturers, company visits and seminars. If international students participate, the teaching will be conducted in English.

Assignment work comprises a joint project to develop a new product for the health and welfare sector.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Part 1: Written report of not more than 5 pages
Part 2: Participation in project work with a written report of maximum 40 pages
Required coursework may have to be written in English.
Required coursework must have been passed and approved before students can sit the exam.


Individual oral exam
Individual oral examination with presentation (approximately 15 minutes) of the project report from Part 2.

The contents of the report are assessed on the basis of the students’ academic background, i.e the actual study programme they are following.

The presentation will be followed by questions from the examiners (approximately 10 minutes).

The grading system A-F is used, with A as the best mark and F as fail.

Course evaluation

There is ongoing evaluation of the course throughout the semester, and the evaluation method is agreed between the teacher (s) and the students.
A written final evaluation of the course.


Ulrich, Karl (2004). Product design and development. 3rd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Levin, Morten & Rolfsen, Monica (2008). Arbeid i team: Læring og utvikling i team. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Aspnes, E.H., Ausen, D., Høyland, K., Mikalsen, M., et al. (2012). Velferdsteknologi i boliger: Muligheter og utfordringer. Trondheim: SINTEF

White paper/report to the Storting: Stortingsmelding 47 (2008-2009): Samhandlingsreformen – Rett behandling - på rett sted – til rett tid

Norges offentlige utredninger 2011: Innovasjon i velferd

Supplementary literature:
Compendia relating to tools and methods

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:30:04 AM