IRM31510 Vareproduksjon, logistikk og kvalitet (Autumn 2010)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Engineering
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Obligatory course in the bachelor's degree programme Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering, the Y-Track.

Parts of the course are taught together with the course IRD3008 Manufacturing, Logistics, Quality and Eco-Design 15 ECTS credits, which is an obligatory part of the bachelor programmes Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Industrial Design.


Previous knowledge corresponding to Statistics and Economics 10 ECTS credits is recommended.

Lecture Semester

Autumn semester, 5th semester of the degree programme. First time autumn 2010.


The framework curriculum for engineering education prescribes this course as obligatory part of technological courses or design courses.

The following issues will be dealt with:

1) Manufacturing

  • Operational management and strategies
  • Design of processes, products, network and technology

2) Logistics

  • Forecasts
  • Production planning
  • Storage management
  • Production principles
  • JIT (Just-in-time)
  • Project planning and use of project tools

3) Quality

  • Quality planning and management
  • Quality standards
  • Continual improvements
  • Handling deviations
  • TQM

Forms of teaching and learning

Estimated course workload will be 300 hours.

The course is taught via lectures, guest lectures, group work, tutorials, self-study and company visits. Some of the project work may take its starting point in a particular company.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

Three group projects and a minimum of one tutorial per project are obligatory and must be submitted/fulfilled within given deadlines and approved before the oral exam.


Portfolio assessment.

The portfolio should contain three project reports (group work). Additionally, there is an individual oral exam that may adjust the final mark up or down. Assessment is given on the A-F grading scale.

All the submitted project reports are permitted aids during the oral examination.

In the case of a fail, a completely new exam portfolio containing three new contributions, and a new oral exam, will be required.


Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers & Robert Johnston (2007), Operations Management. Prentice Hall.

Information on further literature will be given before the course starts.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:30:04 AM