IRI32507 Risk Management (Autumn 2008)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Engineering
Course Leader:
Hong Wu
½ year

The course is connected to the following study programs

Obligatory course in the bachelor's degree programme Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2008. Autumn semester, 5th semester of the degree programme.


The following topics will be dealt with:

  • What is risk
  • Risk economy (COR)
  • Standards within RM
  • What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • The ERM system
  • Business-internal environment and ERM
  • The context for ERM
  • The core process
  • Assessment methods
  • Communication
  • The Risk Manager's job
  • Risk financing
  • The ethical perspective
  • Pitfalls and success factors
  • Strategic Risk Management (Business Intelligence)
  • Personal RM

Forms of teaching and learning

Lectures, group work and self study are used as forms of instruction in the autumn term. The last part of the subject is completely occupied with project work.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The subject requires active participation in exercises and group work. The following coursework requirements must be approved before the student can appear for the final assessment:

  • 6 out of 9 exercises must be approved before the project work 
  • The project work with documented participation must be handed in by the given deadline


Portfolio assessment based on:

  • An individual internal test of 3 hours
  • A project report (group)

Letter marks are given A to F. Individual marks are given.


Hallaråker og Vig, Praktisk Enterprise Risk Management
Robert J. Chapman, Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management
Risk Management for Directors and Board Members of National Sporting Organisations (English)

Distributed notes and given supporting literature.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 2:30:01 AM