IRF23004 Student Enterprise (Autumn 2008–Spring 2009)

Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Engineering
Course Leader:
Per Kirkebak
1 year

The course is connected to the following study programs

The subject is obligatory in the Bachelor study of technological innovation and entrepreneuring.

Lecture Semester

Autumn 2008


The following topics will be dealt with:

  • Choice of a business idea
  • Registering of a student business
  • Organizing the group/business
  • Project work as work form
  • Business plan construction
  • Organization/leadership
  • Assessment and final report
  • Contact with distributors (buying) and customers (sales)
  • Establishment of cooperation with a mentor (from private business)
  • Participation at fairs/ expositions

Forms of teaching and learning

The subject is project-based and requires active group participation and follow-up. The process is demanding, but at the same time very educational. Guidance and self study are central to the subject, and students must count on an average of 10 hours' work per week.


The subject follows the guidelines established by Young Entrepreneuring ('Ungt Entreprenørskap) concerning establishment, running and closing down of a student business.

In the course of the study period an obligatory study trip will be arranged.  

Work load: It is expected that students hand in four partial hand-ins in the course of the subject.

Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

The candidate must participate in a lobby course to Oslo/Brussels before being allowed to appear for final assessment. The lobby course lasts for 5 days.


Portfolio assessment.

The portfolio assessment consists of project  work including

  • a description of the project process
  • the business plan
  • the project result
  • the final report

Personal initiative and determination will be honoured. Individual marks are given. At re-sits all components of the portfolio must be redone. Letter marks are given from A to F. 


Web-based material from 'Ungt Entreprenørskap' Ungt Entreprenørskap - and  compendia/articles/references.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:30:02 AM