
Østfold University College carefully considers all documents during the admission process. Documents provided by applicants will be checked for plagerism and falsification. Any documents found to not satisfy our requirements will be rejected and, in some cases, can result in police notification.

What is plagiarism?

Some examples of plagiarism:

  • direct copying of other people's material without referencing the sources, where the person copying deliberately attempts to present other people's work as his/her own
  • using other people's material, but reworking it to a certain extent. One example of this is what is known as paraphrasing, where other people's material is slightly re-written, so that the original elements are identifiable and recognisable, and the original source is not referenced. 
  • cases where it has not been the intention to steal other people's material, but plagiarism is due to an oversight or inadequate mastery of the rules of source referencing 
  • cases where the student reuses his/her own previously submitted work, in whole or in part, in new assignments, without stating it (self-plagiarism).

How is plagiarism detected?

Østfold University College uses text recognition software for plagiarism control of assigments submitted through Inspera, Canvas or other programs. When a document is submitted the text recognition software will display how much of the document has textual similarity to existing literature, previous assignments, compendiums etc.

What happens if we find that your work is plagerized?

Your application for admission will be rejected.


For more information, read the Regulations Governing Examinations, Admission to Study and Degrees at Østfold University College(PDF)

Published Nov. 16, 2020 12:48 PM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2022 1:52 PM