Student democracy

Student democracy is a collective term for all students who have voluntarily taken the task of being a spokesperson for their fellow students. The student democracy includes class representatives from each study programme. These representatives collaborate with the Student Councils on the behalf of the other students on student rights and welfare.

The Student Parliament logo

The Student Council

The Student Council consists of 6 permanent representatives for one year. Each faculty of the University college has their own Student Council. The task of the council is to be the students’ spokesperson to the Student Parliament and the management of the University college.

The council is made up of 6 permanent roles: Council leader, Vice chairman, Communication manager, Student representative’s manager and Marketing and recruitment manager. The student council is active from January to December (after the student election).    

The Student Parliament

The Student Parliament is the highest student body of the University college. They meet once a month and represent the entire University college. Their task is to promote the students opinions and to take care of their interests within the University college's professional, economic and cultural areas.

The Student Parliament is led by a Student leader who is a elected for a one year period, this election is in May/June. The Student leader is the leader of the labour council, consisting of a Vice-chairman, an Academic and Research Manager, and a Teaching Environment Manager. In addition, the council has an Organization Consultant, Elise Ager.

The Student election

Each autumn in October/November a student election is held, where five students from each faculty are elected to represent the students at their faculty.

Press here to vote (not active yet)

Why join the student democracy?

  1. You expand your social network. The Student Parliament attends meetings and conferences across the nation, where you get the chance to meet different people from other institutions all over the country.
  2. You learn to speak up. The Student Parliament consists of 15 people, so you will gain experience in terms of talking in front of a crowd.
  3. You receive a certificate of your duty. That is an advantage when applying for a job. Students who have participated in activities outside of school have a better chance of getting the jobs they apply for.
  4. You gain an understanding of the university school's structure and will have the opportunity to work with the management of the school in different committees.
  5. Learn to take responsibility of your own situation as well as the future. You will not become a "mainstreamer".
  6. Avoid being one of those students who complain about the student-situation without taking action. Demand to be heard!


Published Oct. 16, 2018 10:35 AM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 9:01 AM